The Guardian’s Sword by Talking Cigarette

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 79

Chapter 79 “Sure!”

Willow took a deep breath and signed her name.

She only wanted to keep the title of president so she could protect Sean.

Therefore, she had to accept Quill’s help.

“Willow, if you run into any problems in the future and if you can’t find Mr. Larson, you can also look for me to assist you in solving it..

“Since we have a mutually beneficial partnership between our three families, you can just let me know if you need any help,” Quill said with a serious smile on his face.

He looked sanctimonious.

“Hehe, thank you, Mr. Larson and Young Master Zimmer.”

Old Madam Quinn’s heart was content and she immediately picked up on the message concealed in between Quill’s words.

“Grandma, Mr. Larson, Young Master Zimmer.

“I still have something to deal with. You may sit here for a moment.”

Willow felt extremely uncomfortable right now, so she left the guest reception room with a forced laugh.

She had not expected Sean to have actually lied to her!

always been all thanks to

something to do with Sean since

Sean’s identity be powerful enough

all, Quill was rich and

Sean had no

reasonable person would conclude that it was

Willow felt extremely aggrieved.


turned back after

I’ll always be here to protect the

Madam Quinn feel


thanked him from the very bottom of her

welcome, Old

for Sean, Willow and I

what I

for a couple of seconds and then

It’s just that I’m not actually

can’t be done too obviously, otherwise it

the Zimmers would definitely try their best to help the Quinn family, even if it meant helping the Quinn family return to the ranks

his head slightly, his face full

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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