The Guardian’s Sword by Talking Cigarette

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 102

Chapter 102

“That was me too.”

Sean nodded his head faintly as he owned up to his acts once more. Willow heard his words and looked at him, shocked as she scanned him up and down. Sean, who was in a wheelchair, had beat up Quill Zimmer and six of his bodyguards? How was that possible? Even if it had been a normal person, it would still be a near–impossible feat! However, despite being a cripple, he had done it. Had he actually done something that would be impossible for anybody else? “Willow, trust me. I can protect you.”

Sean lifted his head slowly and looked at Willow solemnly. Willow was slightly taken aback. There were things she still did not understand.


Sean was a disabled person, yet he was able to win against seven grown men and escape unscathed. That was truly unbelievable. “You‘re done with work so early today?” Sean saw that Willow was quiet, so he broke the silence.


When Willow heard what Sean had asked, she wanted to say something, but she decided against it.

For the past two years, she had been taking the time out of her day to go home, so she would be able to push Sean out of the house to get some sun.

The past two years had flown by, and this had long become a habit of hers.

If she did not leave the office when the time came, she would feel uncomfortable and restless.

Even after Sean regained his consciousness and was able to push himself out, Willow still felt restless as she sat at hier office desk.

Thus, as soon as she was free, she would want to come back to check on him.

this was a truth Willow refused to


hands and lingered around the home for a while. She then picked up a random pen

the question. “Ah... I‘m used to using this pen.” Willow‘s face was slightly flustered. She wanted to leave immediately. “The ninth of next month, what

softly as he remembered what


coming to

shuddered slightly as she sighed behind Sean‘s back. That was the day her nightmare had

endlessly tried to convince Willow to throw Sean out. Only Willow knew what exactly she

girl had gotten her name and honor

of River City had become the laughing stock of the

was worth Sean

wanted to give you a huge surprise on that day.” Before Sean could finishi, Willow interrupted

simple four words were extremely firm


Sean nodded.

do that,

give you a surprise as well,” Sean vowed as he

commander with nine stars on his shoulders. What

promised anyone just anything. Each and every word he said carried tremendous weight. However,

uttered the same four words

a long pause, she said, “I only want you to be well. “So after that, you can do something, like have a successful career so the Quinns stop looking down on us.” After pausing for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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