The Guardian’s Sword by Talking Cigarette

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 434

Chapter 434

Wade went red instantly after hearing what Sean said.

It was because he was too familiar with this sentence. After all, he had said it to Sean before.

As the saying went, “every dog had its day“, he did not expect that this would come back to him so quickly.

At this time, Sean had already returned this sentence intact.

Wade finally got a taste of his own medicine.

His face was red and he felt extremely aggrieved.

However, he could not care less at this time in order to save the 400,000 dollars.

“Sean… Mr. Lennon, let’s be friends…”

Wade bit the bullet and kept his head low.

“I remember you seem to be obsessed with cleanliness too?”

Sean still did not shake hands with Wade and asked Wade in a calm tone.

“Mr. Lennon, there used to be, there used to be…

Mr. Lennon, my disease was cured

lowered his

were all silent with

had to accept the fact that Sean had a higher status than

Connor, just waive the fees

look and turned the wheelchair to leave

Wade did not intend to eat in this private

took the initiative to bring them here and it would be difficult to tell them clearly by then if things went

Sean did not want to waste time

“Mr. Lennon, alright, sure.”

nodded immediately and he actually was not going to accept

accept the fees spent

even if the fee of the private room was exempted, there was still more than

for a while and accepted

not bad to be able to lose the fee for the

“Thank you, Mr. Lennon…”

with his

said this not really for

is not qualified to enjoy your overseas medical

many famous overseas doctors, why don‘t you seek treatment

treatment soon, with the two words Wade Yancey, the word “Wade” will

sent Sean downstairs in person. Herbert and the others thought

ashamed that our

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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