The Guardian’s Sword by Talking Cigarette

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 525

Chapter 525

In particular, Rachel and Zander had witnessed Sean’s meteoric success and could not accept his current predicament.

Rachel could imagine how any outsider like them felt about Sean’s situation.

As the party involved, how would Sean feel then, compared to them?

“Get up.

“It’s bad if Willow sees this.”

Sean shook his head slightly and motioned at Rachel to get up again.


Rachel replied in acknowledgment before standing up with some reluctance.

“How much do you know about that year?”

Sean went straight to the point as he looked at Rachel and asked.

“Commander, we have not heard from you since your last battle.

“The higher–ups explained to us that you had been badly wounded and needed to rest and leave the army for a while.

“But your men didn’t listen. They even defied imperial orders for you.”

Rachel stood up straight and briefed Sean carefully.

“And then?”

Sean nodded slightly.

Zander told him roughly the same thing, but not in too much detail.

As an intelligence officer in the army, Rachel had the opportunity to know more.

acting commander and would

years have passed, and Blaze has taken

explained carefully to

a good subordinate

head with a smile that carried a hint

is a smoother talker

favor with others. Blaze is just


he was

gently, her tone

smooth talker, how could he have deceived me?” Sean


wondering what

she dared not ask

at getting along with people, but he’s not as good at leading an army as you

have been losing battles so much that we have retreated within the

land you recovered is once again

a long sigh as she said

can’t bear to see those brave warriors give their lives

was disheartened

shook her head slowly, her eyes full of

not only her but also Zander and

the joy of victory, so they could not take the pain of

about that just

were in charge of intelligence, so

have something I want to ask

his hands and

“Commander, ask away.”

replied respectfully, and stood

Rae? Are you

voice suddenly came

could tell by her voice how worried she was right


at Sean for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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