Chapter 1575

Now that the morning training was over, some soldiers went to the canteen to eat, while others went back to their dormitories to wash up.

However, more city defense soldiers gathered at the headquarters building.

It was because many of them had heard about the sudden appointment of a young commander-in-chief.

Besides that, the chiliarchs were currently in the commander-in-chief’s office, arguing with the young commander-in-chief, who appeared out of the blue!

“Hey, do you think the three chiliarchs are a match for the young commander-in-chief?”

A square-faced city defense soldier said, looking excited.

Another slightly younger city defense soldier immediately said, “Who knows? But a commander-in-chief is still a commander-in-chief after all. The three chiliarchs combined still have a lower rank than him. Could they intimidate him?”

“But this guy was appointed all of a sudden after all. He’s not promoted step by step. I don’t think he could do anything if the chiliarchs were to work together to neutralize him!”

a point, but everyone knows the chiliarchs fight their own battle. There’s

Commander Jokerman’s reputation and authority in the city defense army have only declined because

are bound to

we help later?”

and discussed, and their discussion

total. Sean, Wesley, Gregory, and Anthony could hear them from

and you could not

Anthony’s expressions looked slightly

changes at the top affected the morale of the soldiers at the bottom, which

opened it, and shouted to the city defense soldiers downstairs, “Dragon Kingdom’s army has appointed a commander-in-chief for Dorodo’s city defense army out of the blue Are you willing to have a young man in his early 20s control you? Can

you lost

you doing?”

Anthony rushed to grab Wesley by the shoulders and yanked

it was too

arm, making the soldiers downstairs excited.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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