Chapter 213 Can’t Get Over It

Luca and Aaron came across the pictures in the group chat; that jerk, Zac, had once again. posted a bunch of photos. Both groups were enjoying a seafood barbecue on the yacht, but this time, it wasn’t just Zac.

Even Keira and Tina joined in on the mischief, posting numerous beautiful photos, all of them featuring Simone.

There were pictures of them standing on the yacht, swimming in the sea, fishing together, and barbecuing. Every photo exuded so much energy. Most importantly, Simone looked incredibly happy and even cooked several seafood dishes that made everyone’s mouths


Luca couldn’t help but comment, “That jerk, Zac Turner, eats the most. Why doesn’t he eat himself to death?”

Aaron chimed in, “Yeah, he could choke on it. He’s always following Simone around like a shameless dog.”

Luca glanced at the plate of curry prawns and couldn’t resist the temptation, sighing. “Simone’s cooking skills are still as good as ever.”

Overhearing their conversation, Andrew said curiously, “Let me see.”

Without hesitation, Aaron handed him the phone, saying, “Take a look.”

Salma cast a look at Luca, her intentions clear, and he reacted quickly this time, handing her the phone.

After they finished looking at the photos, Andrew suddenly lost his appetite, longing for Simone’s cooking and medicinal soups, while Salma’s focus was more on the trio’s photos posted by Tina and Keira, where she saw her daughter so happy-eating, drinking, and having fun at sea.

was hospitalized, but she didn’t visit me. Instead, she’s having so much fun and doesn’t care about me, her mother.” Upon seeing these photos, she finally accepted the fact that Simone didn’t

they didn’t know how to respond. After all, it was the truth, and they

to this? Andrew frowned. “This is truly


blood and that there was nothing they couldn’t overcome. But now, it seemed that Simone couldn’t get over

even more heartbroken, and she threw the bowl she was holding directly at him, hitting his

into her? She threw a

I’m doing? If it weren’t for you guys, Simone wouldn’t have been targeted because of Jodie. How much was she hurt by you guys that she doesn’t even care about

while hitting, “She doesn’t even want me as

also Luca and Aaron

always causing trouble. Why did I give birth to you guys?

Aaron, who were originally just bystanders, now also became victims of the beating, and they complained endlessly, feeling unjustified that they were in for a beating because of their younger brother, especially Luca, who felt that participating in the variety show this time was the biggest mistake. If he had the chance to do it over, he would not participate. No. wonder his

blamed Simone, so why was his mom focusing on

had all turned into their

blame Simone like they did, wasn’t she biased toward Jodie, too? Then, the scars on his face increased, as did those on his

blame Simone for being cold towards Jo? Now you’re acting like it’s all our fault, as if you’re innocent. While dodging, he added, “If you

see you?”

to say they were

couldn’t help but dodge and complain. “Yeah,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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