The Innocent Wife of Scheming President

Chapter 65: Will You Die for not Narcissistic

"Let’s go back, don't tell dad and mom, I don't want them to worry about me." It's been long time enough to stay out.”

The time for dolphin shows was almost over.

Chloe walked and asked, "Then are you ready to look for a new job."

"If I don't work, may I depend the Northwest wind to live?"

"The crows are black all over the world. None of Men are good." Chloe was hurt in marriage, and she was cynical.

"You can't see everyone as the same type. Our father is a perfect man." Olive is not boasting. It's hard to find a man like her father.

Recently, a popular post on the Internet said that: He likes me to be plain without makeup, like my long hair and to make a ponytail. Every noon, he asked me what I’ll have for lunch and what I want for dinner. He will frown and said you bought clothes again. Then he praised your clothes are so beautiful. He taught me not to waste money and then handed in his bank card; when he heard me cry on the phone, he would be silent and say, "Come back, I support you." The man who loves me the most in the world has married my mother.

Father is such a man.

Chloe nodded. "Dad maybe a rare species from Mars. Such a biological is going to be extinct on earth."

Olive rolled her eyes, but she still believed that there were good men in the world, but she had not met the most suitable one yet.

after all, is not her true destiny.

she hasn't forgot him

of the cabinet, and take them out when she was insomnia.

now, but it's okay to have a hot pot at a small restaurant."

with her little head.

witty way.

said, "Go and ask your mother. If she agrees, I will agree, too."

is that OK?" The little fellow came and hooked her

Although Olive thought that there was not much nutrition in that kind of fast food, she doesn't mind eating it once in a while. What does it matter that a child has a greedy mouth and occasionally meets her wishes?

"But now it is far to go to eat it, how about we go to eat hot pot, and when we are back, we buy KFC for dinner, okay?"

and French fries, and hamburgers."

pinched her little face and pulled at it.

such a pinch? I don't want to be a little fat girl."

everyone laughed.

like spicy can eat the spicy side, others like light to eat the white pot, and there are dip sauces can be self-mixing.

good to tuck your sleeves, tie your arms and swallow it in a big gulp. You can warm up after eating

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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