The Innocent Wife of Scheming President

Chapter 208 “The sweet couple.”

There was no tenderness in his words at all and the woman had to leave even if she was unreconciled to. Kent tidied up his clothes and walked over the wine cabinet, poured two glasses of wine and sat opposite Alan Hoyle.

“Why are you here instead of with your sweetie?”

“So, you satisfied your desires in the office just now as you did not find the right bedmate last night and you were upset?”

Taunting and insulting each other, which was the dialogue mode they never got bored.

“Well, a woman stood me up last night.” It was the first time he had been played by a woman and he would not let her go if he found her. However, he never thought it was this woman who completely subverted his life. Of course, it's another story.

there was a woman who

Kent was embarrassed and sidetracked him, “Then why are you here in the

of Olive Steele who kicked him out as she was tired, which was their secret and taste that could not tell others, “I'm afraid you' re dying of doing too much exercise in bed and I’m here to remind you of what you had been asked

curiously, “Why are you so nervous? Is that the person who named Ivy Aldington is your rival?”

the strong ability of that man to counter reconnaissance, Alan Hoyle would not have had to look into him on the surface while secretly investigate him. He had to guard against Ivy Aldington as he would not be a nobody. At least, he needed to know his background. Kent could get Intel from every corner, if he could not find out anything

“Is that how you ask me to help you?”

it’s me. you have to help me or I’ll disturb you every day.” Then he left after drinking

what did I owe you in my last life, and you tortured me like that

help him privately investigate others but

good to people close people. And they were best friends, so they always talked in a straight way and those civilities would injure their harmony. Alan Hoyle had everything in his life, just like woman, kid, confidant, wealth and status but he wanted a family and he believed that he would have a family that he wanted and he could kiss his wife every morning, but also heard

Steele had woken up before Alan Hoyle returned to the room and she rubbed her eyes and was about to get washed when something hit her face, it was ring, which made her surprised. After a while, she remembered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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