Chapter 45 Fighting the piano, the mighty Hedy!

The almond–eyed girl’s voice fell to the ground, attracting many disapproving gazes. It is not wise

for her to embarrass Hedy when Rossi and Johnson were expelled for humiliating Hedy.

Hedy was born in a rural area, and his family is not rich. Even if he has talent, it may be difficult for him to be recognized as elegant.

The girl didn’t care about everyone’s stares, but smiled generously,

“Ms. Ellis is kind–hearted and beautiful, and she dances well, so the things she prepared must be ingenious, right?

I really like girls like Ms. Ellis, and I want to be with Ms. Ellis Make friends, and I can’t wait to know what Ms. Ellis has prepared.”

Her name is Ada, and she is the daughter of the He family, a top wealthy family in San Francisco. What

Ada usually likes to do the most is “walking with the sword“.

You all think Hedy shouldn’t be provoked at this time, but I want to!

This is the way to get Childe King’s attention.

As long as Childe King can notice her, she can display her super talent and conquer Childe King!

Preston’s dark eyes flashed with hostility.

Hedy replied lightly, “Talent.”

“Oh? Is Ms. Ellis also planning to perform talent? I wonder what kind of talent Ms. Ellis will perform?”

Ada was very enthusiastic, like a long–lost sister,

“If it is If you are dancing or playing a musical instrument, can I accompany you? I really want to cooperate with Ms. Ellis!”

Hedy glanced at the piano behind Ada, his voice was indifferent and unwavering,


There are many musical instruments prepared for the party, After every performance, there will be staff who will move the musical instrument up and down, drag it in and out.

Don’t worry, it’s time consuming.

She doesn’t want to waste time.

“Piano…?” The smile on Ada ‘s face Susan froze, suspicion and contempt surged in her heart.

Piano, the king of musical instruments.

To buy a piano, the minimum cost is 10,000 USD, which is not an amount that a poor rural family can afford.

is pretending,

studied piano for a while

offering “ugliness“. The

flashed away, and she took a

to play the piano, come, please Ms. Ellis to play on

sit in front of the


the piano sounded.

while, there was no second sound.

keys, wondering what he was

guests were a little puzzled,

legs, calm and

“If Ms. Ellis is not very good at the piano,

say the rest, Hedy’s ten fingers were dancing on

music played slowly from her

piece of music, I don’t know, I just think

melody is mysterious and soft, like a mayfly bred

and the pitch increased, like a dark cloud pressing down on the city, and a storm was approaching, making the

point where it was

then stopped abruptly.

left the keys, and the audience was suspended in

second of shelving.

piano sound is majestic, the atmosphere is

of the mountain in a human form, picking up

the melody returns to its

crying, like missing, like remembering, like remembering.

sound of the piano

coolness on her face, so she wiped it with her hand and

rendering of this song is too strong.

“Papa Papa“.

heartfelt and warm, and everyone was generous

piano so well, I almost cried!”

opened, it was so shocking and comfortable!”

should only exist in heaven, I am willing to donate 200,000

She plays better

matter how Hedy played, they had no idea Praise of

was far beyond their expectations!

Ada was stunned.

original intention was to step on Hedy as a stepping stone to show

on by Hedy and used

piano, I’m fascinated by it!”

to play the piano

to make Preston hate it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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