Chapter 100

Hedy has more interview value than Joe! After Hedy left, Ray, Sid and Betty walked into the police station.

“Fatty, what about those people from yesterday, let’s continue the interrogation.” Ray was full of energy.

The fat policeman came over with a complicated expression, “They were released on bail…”

“What? Who bailed them? Who let them go?” Ray turned and looked around at his colleagues with an angry and puzzled expression.

“Ray, Sid, Fatty, the chief is calling you.” A police officer came over.

The three looked at each other, settled Betty, and walked into the director’s room. The chief of the

S City Police Department is a man in his fifties with a majestic face and many medals on his police uniform.

“Director.” The three saluted in unison.

“You Iron Triangle, haven’t you been on vacation for a long time?” the director said in a concerned tone.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve booked you a seven-day tour to the North Sea. Pack your bags and go out to play.”

“Is there such a good thing?” Fatty was delighted.

Ray frowned, “I have a case of amputation in my hand, can I go after





finishing it?” ”

No, the ticket is at 2 o’clock this afternoon, and the case can be handled by someone else.” The director smiled.

Ray was silent.

In the past, the director wanted to use him like a donkey of the production team, so there was no reason to let him go on a seven-day vacation for no reason, and he even booked a tour group to book air tickets.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and it should be related to the case of severed hands.

He thought carefully

The bureau chief didn’t let him investigate, so he just did it secretly. If he entered this line of work, he had to be worthy of the uniform he was wearing.

“Okay, public travel is so cool, we’ll leave in the afternoon.” Ray turned around and left without hesitation.

“Ray.” The director called to his most proud confidant general, with a solemn expression, and clicked,

“Some people, you can’t afford to offend.”

crush Ray into powder with a flick of a finger

kept moving,

14 42%



is held, and the red carpet extends from

regular TV reporters, and this competition will be broadcast simultaneously on the

them were four Japanese journalists.

with filming

time a chess player steps on the red carpet, a

chased by reporters to ask questions.

Tony pushed Joe, who had a small red suitcase on his lap, and Xavier appeared on the

” The talented female chess players from Holt Family and Joe’s Family are here, hurry

a brief interview with Gemini, they focused on

think you can break through the siege and win the master


can’t last 70 steps

28 76%



say about this?”

any special

with a smile and was very polite, which aroused the reporter’s inner

deserves to be Rose from

same time, I am very regretful, It would be great if Joe didn’t have a disability!

would definitely have

exciting atmosphere, a reporter in charge of filming Go, poked the reporter in charge of arranging chess, and raised his eyebrows, “How

envious of our Go world, who is so young and so topical? A

is undoubtedly admired by the outside

came from a big family, but suffered a car accident and became

depressed, she focused on Go and became a well- known

know, women are at a disadvantage when it

requires a calm and rational brain, and women are

in various types of chess in the


12 29

after being disabled in a

It is really rare and very inspirational. Many textbooks

reporter who was mentioned by the Go

awesome 19-year-old first- level female

world, there is only one An 18-year-old

master just won a hip-hop champion, a car racing champion, an Olympiad champion, a companion player champion, and a monthly exam champion, that’s all!” “?” Go

“Wait a

hearing impaired, can you say it again?”

at the entrance

wearing a peaked cap, leaned forward.

Ellis is here!” the

reporters immediately focused on Hedy. Even the people

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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