Chapter 66 First place, Hedy, full marks!


Margaret finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter.

Several reporters were also overjoyed,

Queen is so humorous, is this the Versailles that netizens say?”

“Although we also respect San Francisco’s dream, there is still a big gap between dream and reality.

The female reporter turned to interview Hedy with a suppressed smile, gloating on her face,

Queen said that she is tired of winning the championship. I wish you all the best. Do you have anything to say


They could sense that Margaret was humiliating them.

Hedy glanced at the star–like Margaret, and said indifferently,

“We will satisfy her.”

Finished speaking.

There was an awkward silence all around.

After the silence, the voices of ridicule became more and louder.

“Hahahaha, oh my god, I burst into tears laughing!”

“Give Hedy a stick, and Hedy dares to climb up?”

“I reasonably suspect that she wants to laugh us to death, and then directly defend the championship!”

“Don’t laugh, the bus is here!”

Several exclusive buses drove up ahead, each with a red banner on the body of the bus,

“Congratulations on the successful holding of the 1st Mathematical Olympiad in Central South Province.”

These buses will escort They went to the venue for this competition, D City Phoenix Stadium.

The teams from each city quickly made way for the team led by

Margaret. They are the last provincial champions and have the privilege to get on the bus first.

The reporters clicked and took pictures of this scene, and ignored Hedy and others.

“Hoohoo, the competition is about to start, don’t be nervous, don’t be


Emily paced back and forth to calm down her nervous mood.

year of struggle

turn to get

her so much

“Just do


so, but his eyes were full

is, he can’t bear to be ridiculed



getting into

also wanted to show his handsome

later, several buses stopped in front of

City, and is famous in the United States for its

the stadium, the person in charge of the organizing committee saw Margaret getting out of the car, and immediately went over, and whispered

is here? Are you comfortable staying in the Sunshine Hotel? I entrusted your brother

middle–aged man in

about it.” Margaret said

charge patted his

the champion of

who else can be the champion

in charge, he walked into the stadium

participating teams entered in an orderly manner, the San Francisco representative

the arena for 21 teams of

a written test

has a test paper, and the final ranking will be

eliminated, and the remaining teams advance

it will take less time than whoever combined them, and the one with the less time will

team was basically eliminated in the preliminary round, commonly known

the preliminaries, survive

began to brainwash herself again, and it was very fun to think about it.



strength, you will definitely survive the preliminary round.”

Emily ‘s

rough idea of

the game, he handed out several test papers, and everyone basically got a full score of 150 with

only one who didn’t make a mistake was

a little

Hedy have known each other for a relatively short time, so he

full score, is it because her strength is just enough to get a full score, or is

He doesn’t know.

the most stable player among the

84 participating students to be seated, more than

and competition organizing committee, there are no other

audience makes trouble maliciously, it is easy to

order, and all the students immersed themselves in the questions.

sliding on the paper

their heàrts.

“Ka Ka.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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