Chapter 154 The smiling and cheerful Hedy!

Six of Hedy came on stage.

She and Amber stand in the middle of the stage.

Doris and Vanilla stood in a row behind Hedy.

Rainie and another young lady stood in a row behind

Amber. Their singing uniforms are uniform striped football short-

sleeves, with short pleated skirts, safety pants inside to avoid exposure, and white sneakers on their feet.

The difference is that the clothes worn by the three in Hedy’s row are blue. The clothes

Amber wears in this row are red.

The six people lowered their heads, holding golden cheerleading ball flowers behind their backs.

The musical prelude sounded.

Dancing instructor, “Isn’t it? Hedy is C again? Can she support the theme of ‘youth“?”

Singing instructor, “If you stand in the C position and don’t perform well, you may be scolded…” The rap instructor unscrewed The drink bottle cap under the name of the sponsor, “Squeeze a sweat for her.” When the words fell, Hedy and Amber in the first row raised their heads and smiled vigorously at the camera.

“Pilt.” The rap instructor who just took a sip of his drink coughed.

Hedy laughed!

Hedy actually laughed!

Although Amber ‘s smile is innocent, Hedy’s smile is prettier!

Because Amber has been designed by this character from the beginning to the end, no matter how much she smiles, it will not make people’s eyes shine.

Hedy is different, she is used to being cold, and suddenly she smiles so generously and innocently, it’s like the sun is coming out from the west, it’s hard not to pay attention!

This attention was attracted by Hedy.

Everyone seemed to see Hedy in the school football field, turning into a beautiful and energetic cheerleader, waving ball flowers, dancing and cheering for the athletes on the green grass.

White pigeons fly in the blue sky, surrounded by immature students, there is no intrigue in the workplace, and there is no turbulent undercurrent in society, and the shouts go straight to the sky.

Carefree, innocent and cheerful.

The dance instructor nodded, “Actually, that’s right. Hedy is only eighteen years old. He is young at this age, just smile!” The

singing instructor frowned, “What’s going on with Amber ? I feel like my expression froze after dancing face to face with Hedy?”

illusion, I think she manages her expressions


is not an illusion of the singing instructor.

froze for a moment, but

practice room, why did he change his expression when he came

seems that she is not the same as the domineering female president in the last

show came to an end.


nodded and said to the camera, “I feel like I can do it again, I’m going to interview this cheerful

Hedy finished the poss with a

host came to the

the end of the song, Hedy’s smile disappeared, and he returned to his indifferent and repulsive

Host, “…”

He retreated sensiblely.

clap clap.

mentors applaud.

instructor, “I think if the full score is 100, Amber

bowed, maintaining a smile on her face.

mistakes in

great progress.”

turned to look at Hedy,

120, I am not afraid

still maintained a

calmly. The

but there was a layer

her heart.

that she needs to pay

second round

enter a new training camp and wait for the votes

program is uploaded. This time, we will eliminate another 30 contestants and leave ‘Bright Star‘.” -Bright Star of



finished, upload it to the Mango

platform and clicked to watch

of broadcasts this time is much higher than that of the

rankings were announced, and Rainie

follow–up interview, he said that Hedy might “drive high and go low“, causing Hedy’s fans and passers–by to

Rainie’s fans said,

low. This is reality,

song selection

Amber and Hedy would

of the two actresses are very reasonable, and they really have a wave

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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