Chapter 116 Oh, you won’t be shy, will you?

“Really?” The smile flickered in Preston’s eyes.

He moved his body, sat next to Hedy again, and asked seriously, “What kind of competition is ‘Autumn Cup “?”


“You can also write novels?” Preston raised his eyebrows, seemingly inadvertently, and then moved closer and sat down.

“A little bit.” Hedy opened the distance again.

Killers often have to pretend to be someone else, and then act accordingly and say what they should say based on their identity and background.

She’s a pretty good storyteller too – but why is Preston sitting here. again!

“Then, what kind of novel are you going to write?” Preston deliberately whispered in her ear.

The hot and humid breath sprayed on the sensitive area behind Hedy’s ears, and she was like a kitten whose hair was blown up, a conditioned reflex bounced and was about to stay away.

But she didn’t know that she had already reached the edge of the sofa, and she fell down!

Preston held her slender waist with his big hands, and pulled her back into his arms, his deep eyes were full of concern, “Are you okay?”




“It’s okay!”

Hedy was a little embarrassed.

A dignified international killer actually fell off the edge of the sofa, it’s too embarrassing!

Preston’s tone was a bit puzzled, “I see you have been moving to the side, do you like the location and scenery here?”

Hedy nodded vigorously, “Yes!”

She just likes the location here!

“I like this side better too. Do you mind if I sit here and hold you by the way?

I’m worried about grandpa’s surprise inspection… Oh, you won’t be shy?” Preston asked politely.

Hedy shook her head vigorously, “No! Yes!”

She kills like hemp, so she can’t be shy!

“Then I’ll hold you like this.” On the edge of the sofa, Preston hugged Hedy in his arms justifiably, with the black belly like an old fox appearing and disappearing in his eyes.

He took Hedy’s notebook with the other hand, opened the document, and changed the subject,

“So, what kind of novel do you want to write?”

Hedy leaned on Preston’s strong chest, calmed his heartbeat, and spoke out his initial thoughts.

This is an idea similar to “Robinson Crusoe”. The protagonist is alone.





a completely strange forest by chance.

protagonist needs to drill wood to make

the technological advancement from the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age, to the Iron

is a very hard-core novel, reflecting the evolution of human

ideas into the document, tapping his five fingers on the

idea, but I think you’re missing an important element.” Preston chuckled, and Susan’s chest shook.

clean face,

and his eyes stayed on her pink lips for a few seconds, then moved away, ”


support more readers to read it patiently, and love is a topic of eternal exploration for human beings, why not grasp both hard core and emotion

a while, and approved of Preston’s proposal.

readership, and finally

industrial revolution,

25 65%




this is an unlucky woman who traveled through ancient times, thinking that she had started the “wilderness survival”

start, an uninvited guest appears in the territory, saying that you have finally been caught, so go back and get married.

place where the heroine

a dynasty, and

the separation between eras are

Twilight deepened.

go to

looked at the place where Hedy’s blood

and I will type. Your hands need to rest for a while, and they are not suitable for typing on the keyboard.”

paused, wondering, “Don’t you have to

remembered that he was

suitable for frequent typing on the keyboard.

41 71%



are more important than

and deep eyes locked on Hedy, and his gentle

he could

heart warmed, his brows and eyes

her friend was more

sounds so



typed, and a few hours later, the opening Chapter

the pseudonym “Hedy”, uploaded the Chapter, and within an hour, the Chapter was

had created

the rest of

jump in the background to remind me that he had received a message from a

comments are mostly negative.

games with others, where do you

are richer than you and more beautiful than you. Don’t think you are so attractive,



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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