Chapter 329

“Adelina’s so screwed, all thanks to this con woman!”

“She’s so selfish, no way good things will come her way!”

Ellinor snapped back to reality, took a deep breath, and wiped the drink off her face with a napkin.

Then, looking at those clueless people, she reminded herself to stay cool and try not to get physical

She’d just stepped out of the police station, she didn’t want to be a regular there because of fights!

Adelina, that must be the name of the purple–haired internet celeb, right?

Yet, one of the spectators not only threw a cup of drink at her, but also rallied everyone:

teach this con woman a lesson for Adelina,

so annoying,

“Me neither!”

“Drench her!”

reaching for their cokes, ready to


“I dare you!”

the mood in the fast food restaurant


Damn, he’s very good–looking!


girl. If you don’t

aura was powerful, his composure

realizing it, everyone retreated,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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