Chapter 354

M Barchet

var and extend fix thanks Hex grateful for your Quinton stepped forward and bowed M Ballou asked me lo slun Without your best to and Ms. Howat onghi’ve been stuck at Danebede hai more than two hours

He was to tak

Why donant be coing hanseith Thea looked nikliwieni

Having been in the ba

bae Theo

with Balloul fam

ton was quite good at deal

with people, but he still felt

pressure when facing a dominant figure

M: Balfour is

was cutting

business trip today Otherswore he wouldve definitely come in person

por box plate with a koche and folk he ale as if no one else

other, but not on Theo


not. Getting no response.

looking downcast tokey. He approached Then his head bowed even lower ton

sam, it was ine At this point, Phyrau helt a

that he was doing this for Patricia, he gritted his teeth, boking back tears to continue

the orginal video from a female influence context and posted it online, twisting the truth and making Ellinar look bad on the steel It was all me!”

not expecting hum to be the

wasn’t a bad person and

edited it out of


times before, so hoi confession didnt really come as a surprise,

no response from Theo Quinton wasnt sure what to do,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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