Chapter 2361

“Excuse me, I’m having some trouble with my ankle. Could you please call an ambulance for me?”

The woman, startled out of her wits, finally snapped back to reality under Ivy’s insistent urging.

“Oh, sure, darn it, what rotten luck. Just went out for a bite to eat and now this happens.”

After she made the call for an ambulance, she hurried away from the scene as fast as she could.

The restaurant manager, hearing the commotion, asked a female staff to make sure the coast was clear before rushing in.

“What’s the situation? They’ve been gone way too long; why aren’t they back yet?”

Nolan was getting worried.

The relationship between Ivy and Mara was murky at best, and Nolan thought he had picked up on some serious bad blood between them.

Mara to actually call out

the restrooms. I’m going

a few people rushing in that direction and couldn’t sit still any

called out from behind, “I’m coming

can you hear us? Ms. Lewis, if you can hear me, blink your eyes,

were unsure where exactly

dread she couldn’t quite

in no way could that have caused her to fall

a fall, just to pin it on her?

didn’t realize at the time was that some people truly have no limits.

crowd, initially thinking Ivy

surprise, it was

with Mara and I don’t know how, but she just fell, I swear I didn’t mean

was saying. His mind raced with thoughts

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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