Chapter 2365

“Can’t you keep it in your pants, man? We gave you a wad of cash last time. Couldn’t you have found some girl downtown to take care of your needs? Here we are, in the middle of some serious business, and you keep yapping about getting laid. You got a screw loose or something? If you really can’t control yourself, maybe I should take care of it for you, huh?”

The skinny guy managed a weak, nervous grin and fell silent, even taking a few steps back.

When the boss talked about ‘taking care’ of things, his eyes were glued to the guy’s waist, and he was well aware of the sharp little switchblade in his hand. If he said another word, he might spend the rest of his life singing soprano.

“Just messing with you, boss. You’re busy. I’ll go stand guard outside with the boys.”

Once the sound of their hurried footsteps faded away, Victoria finally let out a sigh of relief.

the words to speak, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably. She

spill it. How did you fall for this chick? Wait a minute, you’re not pulling one over on me, are you? Tell me, how did you

guy seemed to be infatuated with the idea

mention of having a crush got him

you one thing: we both need to get out of

quietly, who suddenly felt a chill.

front of him, barely old enough to be called a man, already had such resolve. Facing a vicious thug like himself, he showed no fear, and there was even

rich folks sure know how to talk sweet. Why should I believe you? First, tell me where the cards are. Once we get our hands on the money, we’ll figure

I had a backpack with at least three cards in it, each with a

they were shaking down Dean for cash, they had a living ATM

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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