Chapter 2353

Yeah, Ivy’s exhaustion was her own doing, really. If she hadn’t gone for the acting gig, she could’ve snagged a cushier job, no doubt.

But why was she so beat? Wasn’t it because of Balfour, that she barely got a wink of sleep last night?

And the real culprit had the nerve to critique her life choices?

Ivy felt more than just tired; she felt drained. Being in debt to this man, she was anything but free.

If she had it her way, there would be no debt between them, nothing owed. Then she could declare her feelings openly, without any hesitation.

Instead, she was all kinds of cautious, second-guessing every move.

“So, this is what you really think, huh? That this mess is on me. I had it coming, right? Then do me a favor and keep your distance. Mr. Howard, I’m just a small-time actress, not worth your time or energy. I don’t want to argue anymore.”

crutches that were leaning against

makeup and collapse into bed for some

even with him right there,

on those crutches? Don’t you know I’m here

turned back,

asked you before I left home if you could be by my side all the time, and you said no. So why expect me to lean on you now? I’m a person, not some

her voice, as if

couldn’t bear to look her in the

just meant that since

You’ll leave one

for herself, since she was

was raised, her family instilling that fierce independence in

on someone else forever, a lesson her parents had drummed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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