Chapter 2375

Ivy’s stance was crystal clear; she’d rather bunk in her dorm than stay at home.

She never did take to Mara, and he should’ve taken that to heart!

Balfour was filled with a twinge of regret.

With a hiss, Mara stirred, but Balfour swiftly pinned her shoulders down, “Don’t move.

Your wound’s just been dressed. I’ll get the doctor to check on you.”

Before Mara could even reply, Balfour had already called for the doctor.

Watching his retreating figure, Mara’s lips curled into a satisfied smile. Despite getting hurt today, the outcome was rather pleasing.

She knew it-Balfour cared about her!

to be so cared for by Balfour, I owe

come over and check if there’s

a brief examination, the doctor turned to the family member and said, “Mr. Howard, no need to worry. Mrs. Howard’s just come around. Some discomfort is normal after

smug smile at being called Mrs. Howard.

the next moment, she adopted a bashful expression and said, “Doctor, you’re mistaken. I’m not Mrs. Howard.”

“Oh, my apologies, I thought the two of you were husband and wife.

care what was said.

he sat down beside her

“It hurts. My head’s all fuzzy, and I can’t even nod without pain.

furrowed slightly, “What exactly happened in the bathroom? How did you

directly; instead, she asked him, “Balfour, do you believe me?”

“There were only you and Ivy in the rest room. What happened? I don’t believe she’d

stubborn with Balfour, but she never got

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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