Chapter 2387

Alyssa gazed into the distance with a depth in her eyes that betrayed her inner turmoil.

If it weren’t for the lingering respect for Balfour’s feelings, she would have banished Mara from their home without a second thought!

“It’s beyond me how Ms. Lewis could stoop to such despicable tactics. Thank goodness it was only sleeping pills this time. But who’s to say she won’t escalate her schemes in the future?”

Althea shared the concern, her face etched with worry. They were servants, yes, but they had watched Balfour grow up into a man, and their affection for him ran deep.

“Don’t fret,” she reassured the household staff, “from now on, I want all of you to remember: nothing that goes into our family’s mouths should pass through Ms. Lewis’s hands. I’ll find a way to send her out soon enough.”

After getting to the bottom of the incident, Alyssa dismissed everyone to their quarters.

let out a

to save Balfour, only to meet her own untimely end and leave her sister to

digging into the matter, she discovered that Mara’s sister, Victoria Lewis, had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Saving Balfour

us,” Dean cautioned. “Balfour is a man of strong feelings and loyalty. We

no fool either. He wouldn’t

Who knows how long she would’ve kept it

their power to mend. They could only

to come home tomorrow.

Mara’s bedside, stepped out into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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