Chapter 100

Mommy, I don’t want to look at that evil woman’s face anymore!” Aiden cried, shaking Amanda’s arn and snapping her back to reality.

Amanda glanced down at her precious son. If Elias had not found him in time, then Aiden would have been lost forever. He might even have died.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she felt.

The only thought in her mind was the urge to immediately charge over to confront Grace.

She was able to accept the de-escalation of a situation through talk, but she could never tolerate anyone hurting Aiden.

Just then, breakfast was done. Selina placed the dishes on the table and called out to them, “Let’s eat. Aiden, bring your mother over for breakfast.”

Amanda calmed herself down and carried Aiden over to the dining room.

“How about you go with Miss Selina to the theme park after breakfast, Aiden?” she suggested.

“Didn’t you say we were going shopping for my present? You lied to me!” He was very unhappy upon realizing she had lied to him once more.

She ruffled his hair. “I didn’t. I would never lie to you. We’ll be going shopping in the afternoon. I have something to do in the morning”

Selina chimed in to help argue Amanda’s case. “Let’s watch a movie after going to the theme park, Aiden. The cartoon you love has released a movie.

“Yeah! You’re the best, Miss Selina!” He grinned and obediently began to eat his breakfast.

Amanda could not resist smiling as well. “You’re better with kids than I am. Is that a talent of yours?”

“It means there’s a connection between Aiden and me. We are destined to get along.” Selina proudly stated.

After shooting her another smile, Amanda turned her attention to her breakfast and distractedly picked at it while her mind continued to ponder on the conversation she overheard. Her entire being was seething with anger at Grace.

After breakfast, Amanda headed to Grace’s home at Regal Gardens.


100 Tearing Into

+10 pearls

Gardens was an area so luxurious that every unit was worth tens of millions. There was no way Grace could have afforded

was very strict. Amanda was only allowed in after

she arrived, she had been prepared for a battle. There was a stormy look on her


the door to Grace’s home and rang the


door. She wanted to know why Amanda was

she spoke as soon as the door swung open.

echoed through the air as Amanda slapped Grace across the face.

the side. She was shocked. What had

Why did you hit me?” Grace shrieked as she held a

closed the door behind her. She then slapped Grace across the other cheek in one hard

Have you gone mad? What are you

speck of blood on the

is your last warning, Amanda! One more slap and I’ll call the police! What right do you have to

up her sleeves as though she was

Grace once more.

how you kidnapped my son, Grace Murphy!” she roared.

went blank.

have exploded. Grace’s eyes widened in shock as fear



+10 pearls

was rendered

got your tongue? Are you wondering how I found out? I could never have imagined how evil you could be. After you found out about Aiden, the first thing you did was try to leave him in a remote mountain so that I could never find him instead of telling Elias about Aiden and exposing my lie. Do you think that’s all you need


Grace, she slowly stepped closer as her entire being

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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