Chapter 121 Simon’s Plan

Simon’s words successfully caught Grace’s attention as she looked up at him. “What secret”

As a lawyer, Simon was well-versed in the art of speaking. He was planning to use psychological tricks to get Grace to speak, but she was way more alert than he expected.

“Do you know why Amanda was so sure she could find the evidence to prove her innocence, Miss Murphy!”

Grace was momentarily stunned but snickered soon after. “You’re just using your lawyer tricks to make me talk. She won’t find any evidence because she did this! The footage proved it!”

The ward was silent, and they could hear each other’s breathing.

He gave a small smile. “Miss Murphy, I’m just here to tell you the news because I got to know some insider news. That’s the whole reason I came looking for you.”

She couldn’t figure out Simon’s intentions. So, she was careful to not let her guard down and harrumphed, “Everyone knows you are close with Amanda. You work in the same law firm. So, you must want to protect her name because it’ll protect your law firm too. I won’t believe anything you say. Leave now.”

It seems like Miss Murphy’s very vigilant. Simon smiled softly and explained to her slowly with patience, “Actually, my aim is the same as yours. I don’t want Elias and Amanda together. That’s what I’m here for.”

Grace didn’t speak and quietly regarded the man before her because she couldn’t tell if he was being sincere.

However, it seemed like she started to believe him as Simon continued, “I know Amanda has proof that you’re lying. That’s why I’m here. If she took out the evidence, I don’t suppose you can continue living in the country. Besides, Elias will lose all trust in you.”

At this point, Grace started to feel her heart beat quicker because Simon didn’t look like he was lying, but she still tried to act calm. “I have nothing to be afraid of. I didn’t lie. The footage got it all down clearly!”

Simon had sensed her panic as his lips curved up slightly. “But are you going to bet on it? Amanda’s planning to take out the evidence tomorrow night. By then, the tables will be turned. You’ll never be able to have Elias and your career will be over. You won’t have anything left except that scar on your face. Do you dare bet on that?”

scared but still wanted to appear tough. “Why won’t I dare to? She destroyed my face. Why would I be afraid of her? Can she show evidence that



lawyers, have a habit of carrying recording devices and a pinhole camera to take evidence. When

blanket tightly. So, Amanda recorded everything with the camera

online. She wouldn’t be able to stay in the country and

caught on the panic in her

what? She filmed what happened that night? Make her take out the evidence, then.

state, Grace still

post the evidence tomorrow night. We can still stop it. Call me once you’ve made


name is ruined, I can still take care of her. Then, she’ll be all mine and

he finished, he turned

at his scary

picked up the name card with

night, she would be done for. She would have

smiled at

call him in the morning because she had started

rang with a

been entangled with her for quite some time and he had made up his

phone, Lunabelle’s sweet voice rang, “Simon, can we have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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