Chapter 218 Otherwise, I’ll Flatten This Place Tonight!

Yacob drove Elias around in search of Amanda, as they still needed some time to pinpoint her location via her phone.

Elias’ expression was completely serious. All he could think about was how pitiful Amanda seemed while crying in the parking lot, and he wondered if he had been too harsh with his words. But if he weren’t harsh with Amanda, the cavesdropping Jack,would not believe him, and he would not be able to use Jack like how he planned.

Elias looked out the window at the quiet street. It was late at night, so where could she be, and why did she not return home? Could she be hiding somewhere, crying her heart out? With his knowledge of Amanda, that seemed to happen quite frequently.

At that thought. Elias felt a pang in his heart, and his thick eyelashes trembled.

When Yacob saw his boss’ worried expression through the rearview mirror, he comforted, “Mr. Winters, don’t worry. We’ve already begun tracking her phone, so I’m sure we will get the results very soon.”

Just as Yacob was speaking, his phone rang, and he answered it with a serious expression. It seemed like they had found where Amanda’s phone was located.

After hanging up. Yacob turned the car around and headed in another direction. “We’ve found her. They say she was at a bar an hour ago, and her current location is at Galaxy Bay,” Yacob explained.

Galaxy Bay? Elias’ expression instantly turned grim as he realized that was where Simon was living. Could they be…

With his fists clenched, Elias pursed his lips and ordered. “Faster. Drive faster!”

“Roger that!” Yacob stomped on the accelerator.

Since Amanda was with Simon, it was natural for Elias to be anxious, but what confused Yacob was that his boss had previously mentioned letting go of Amanda, so why was he so worked up about which man she was with now? Yacob felt at a loss for words.

At Galaxy Bay.

to hold her hand. “I said I can protect you, but why won’t you give me a chance to do so? Why

in love with Amanda at some point. Saying they could get married and develop feelings later was just an excuse back then. He wanted to marry Amanda and

began talking in her sleep again while tightly clutching Simon’s hand. “Don’t… Don’t go, please…

a helpless child, softly mumbling as tears flowed from the

not expect her to start crying. He grabbed a tissue to wipe

the sound of the doorbell ringing came from outside, causing him to frown. Who would come at such a late

anxious than the previous time like it was rushing


downstairs to the entrance and looked through the video doorbell to see who was outside. Elias Winters? How did he find out Amanda’s here so

not to open the door and instead used the intercom. “Go home. Amanda’s drunk and can’t go home now. She’s sleeping. I’ll

and slammed his fist on the door, roaring. I’m

stated, “So be it. Let

toward the car, planning to drive it

voice coming through the intercom. “I wanted to ask what you did to Amanda to make her this way. She’s having dreams tonight, scolding you and asking you to leave. She says she never wants to see you again and called you a se mbag. I knew you were a sc*mbag long ago, but

almost an eternity, Elias

he headed for the car with Yacob following behind him, calling. “Mr.

instructed before getting in the

we suddenly leaving now that we

say anything. Yacob had to do as

leave and could not help but feel curious about what happened between the two and what made the furious

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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