Chapter 234 The Other Daughter From the Allegras

Meanwhile, Elias sat there and frowned. Amelia? Lost for twenty years? Does that mean the Allegras have another elder daughter but lost her!

Jack glanced at him and felt humiliated, so he slammed his hand on the table and roared, “We’re about Steph, so why are you mentioning Amy? What does her disappearance have to do with me? Do you dare say that it has nothing to do with you? We only have Stephanie now, so of course. I must find someone reliable for her to spend her life with?

At that point. Edith was sobbing She could never control her tears whenever Amelia was brought up “1 miss Amy so much. I don’t even know if she’s still alive or doing well.

“That’s enough. Don’t you find it embarrassing to argue in front of Elias” Cassandra could not stand it either and chastised the old couple.

At that moment, Stephanic could not hold back her emotions any longer. “Enough! Can the two of you stop mentioning my sister’s name before me? Is it my fault that she’s gone? Why do you have to put pressure on me because she disappeared? What have I done wrong to deserve this?”

Ever since Amelia disappeared, her mother had been devastated, and her father had never stopped looking for her. He had thought of many ways and searched for twenty years but found nothing

There were times when Stephanie felt like she was Amelia’s replacement. It was because Amelia disappeared that her parents gave all their love to her. Would she need to return the love once her elder sister returned?

“Steph. Edith stopped crying and stared dazedly at her daughter, who ran away with her face in her hands.

Meanwhile, Elias seemed to see an opportunity. He narrowed his eyes, thinking that Jack was an incompetent father for not being able to find his daughter after twenty years. However, if he could locate Amelia Allegra, then Jack might be willing to hasten their plan.

Otherwise, if Jack waited until they finished their wedding to take back the shares, Anna might have already transferred all those assets to offshore accounts.

Elias slowly rose to his feet. “I’ll look for her.” Soon, he left the dining room as well.

standing in the garden, she looked

Elias was here to comfort her, so she chastised him. “Don’t try to comfort me!

seat on the wooden bench. “You must be mistaken. I have no intention of comforting you.” He did not care

misheard. Was it not natural for a man to take the initiative to comfort


why are you

you about your sister. You have an

twenty years. Don’t tell me you can find

can? It’d be a good deed

man. “If you can find Amelia, my father will take away all the effort he put into me,

want. By then, you can live

going to look My father has been looking for twenty years but found nothing.” She

me something about Amelia. Give

would be 26 this year, so I don have picture of

can use modern technology to estimate what she looks like

Stephanie realized the serious man radiated an air of reliability, causing her to spill all the detai naturally. “I do have a picture of when we were young, but it’s hard to be

can only hope she is. As long as she’s alive, she can

led Elias to her room to get the picture while Jack watched everything from the side. He believed he did not choose the wrong man for his daughter. It was almost impossible for someone to calm the crying Stephanie, but Elias did with just a few words. “Steph. I hope

had lost one of his daughters, so he could only rest

Inside the bedroom.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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