Chapter 239 Mr Winters Has Nothing Besides Wealth!


Grace touched her cheeks to trace the gruesome scar that severely affected her self-esteem. This was the harsh reality that had truly shattered her inner world.

Stephanie was indifferent to Grace’s feelings and approached her, saying. I’m about to get engaged to Elias, and we’ll be married by the end of the year. Your presence here is affecting my mood. I might mess with him when I’m not in a good mood. Can you bear that if you truly love him?”

“You! Elias doesn’t like you. He won’t be interested in someone like you. What do you have to be so proud of? I used to be much prettier than you. I— Grace tried to find an excuse for herself.

“Enough! Why are you bringing up history? You’re not as beautiful as me or close to being pretty, and you still think you can hold Elias’ heart? What do you have to hold onto? Just leave and stop wasting time here!” Stephanie’s sharp and hurtful were striking at Grace’s fragile heart.

“Enough! Shut up! Just shut up!” Grace covered her ears as tears streamed down her face.

She was about to give up since her intense insecurity was overwhelming. She knew she was unworthy of Elias in her current state, but it was unbearable to accept this harsh truth. The promise of happiness within her reach had slipped away and left her in an empty voice.

“Are you leaving or not?” questioned Stephanie.

isn’t your home; your words don’t matter! I want Elias to kick me out personally!” Grace would be able to

I’m about to become the woman of the house, so how is it not my home?” Stephanie turned to Yacob,

Grace. “Miss Murphy, please come with me. Mr. Winters has arranged

can I start a new life in

Everybody has to take responsibility for their actions in this world. Besides, Mr. Winters has to move on even if you don’t want to start a new life. You two

Those words weighed heavily on Grace’s

her frail wrist and pulled her away

relief and looked at Yacob when he was driving. Im done

is currently taking Aiden home. He will join us soon for a meeting. Don’t worry about it. He’ll arrange a meeting for you

found some peace of mind. Suddenly, a sense of boredom crept in and rekindled her curiosity. “Yacob, may I ask you

responded, “Miss Allegra, feel free to ask. I’ll provide

is quite

Mr. Winters truly prefer-his ex-wife or that starred

he prevented you from bothering Miss Bailey. Isn’t that a clear indication?” Yacob pointed out as he believed the signs were quite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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