Chapter 227 A Good Show

At Allegra Villa, Jack kept his word and handed Crispin directly to Elias for disposal.

On the other hand, Elias brought Crispin to the Allegra Villa, wanting to silence Stephanie quickly. Now, he felt beyond troubled upon receiving the young woman’s calls.

As the car came to a gradual stop outside the villa, Yacob opened the car door, and Elias stepped out of it.

Another car slowly pulled up, and the car door opened. Crispin emerged from inside and immediately charged toward Elias, berating angrily, “You! Who are you to lock me up?! Go back and tell Mr. Allegra I will find a way to escape even if he locks me up. I must be with Steph!”

“That’s not my problem,” said Elias as he took a disdainful gander at the young man. “This is Allegra Villa. Go in and tell him yourself.”

What? Is this Steph’s home?” Crispin was stumped. He turned around and gazed at the villa before him…

He was flabbergasted. Is this really Stephanie’s house? It’s massive, just like those rich estates portrayed on TV

Elias took the lead and walked ahead. When the Allegras’ bodyguards saw him, they politely nodded and said, “Mr. Winters.”

Crispin was rendered baffled. Didn’t Steph say this guy is her family’s bodyguard? Why are they addressing him as “Mr. Winters with such high regard?

“Get a move on. Yacob shoved him rudely from behind. “What are you waiting for? Don’t you want to see Jack Allegra?”

“F*ck, I’m moving! Why push me?” At that, Crispin couldn’t help asking, “Why do the Allegras’ people call him Mr. Winters? Isn’t he the family’s bodyguard? How does a bodyguard receive such high treatment?”

Yacob nearly rolled his eyes upon hearing Crispin’s words and retorted, “Who told you he’s a bodyguard? What are you, blind? What bodyguard has Mr. Winters temperament?”

Elias’ demeanor was a far cry from a bodyguard’s. If anything, he exuded an air of a business elite. Mr. Winters will probably flip out if he knows he has been mistaken as a bodyguard.

me, of course!” Crispin argued bewilderedly. “She said that he’s her family’s


time helping her find her lover; how

and ask Stephanie yourself. Now, go inside. I’ve wasted an entire afternoon looking for you. I could’ve done so many things within that

at all, so Yacob thought his

arriving in the living room, Elias went to the couch and waited for Stephanie to

like a country bumpkin entering

he had only ever seen such luxurious homes on TV; he had

sitting leisurely on the couch like he owned the house. As such, he

came from upstairs, and Crispin looked up to find Stephanie


my dad do anything to you?” Stephanie ran down the stairs and rushed straight into Crispin’s

on without any reaction, completely

embrace another man in front of your fiancé?! A young

my insistence to be with him. If you

filled with shock upon hearing the word


I don’t want to either. My dad forced me into

him angrily and said, “It’s him, isn’t it? Steph, are you going to marry him? Your household

like a bodyguard’s but

repeating those words with a

is really something. She lied to her lover and told him I was

could rectify her lie, for the facts

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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