The legendary warrior

Chapter 1177 Get It

"You should have listened to me. I already told you that I could easily kill you!" Ricky sneered, looking pleased as Fitch threw a useless fit. Fitch's empty words couldn't help him now.

After the golden light pervaded, Ricky instantly turned into a huge palm and crushed Fitch into the ground. Six kinds of runes formed a cage and imprisoned Fitch, rendering him trapped and helpless.

After the shock, people could not stop their big mouths from flapping. "I can't believe it. If Kenney broke out his Massacring Mutant at the beginning, I'm afraid that Fitch would have only lost faster."

"Yeah, he is indeed quite capable. No wonder he could kill the Yellow Water Emperor in an instant!"

"But I am really curious. How will he deal with Hutton and the other two middle spiritual emperors from the Flame Valley?

He could defeat Fitch easily but what about those three?"

Swish! While the flurry of whispers and hissed conversations grew louder, the void on Ricky's sides suddenly cracked, and the two huge palms forcefully rallied down and rushed directly toward Ricky.

'It must be the two middle spiritual emperors who are attacking him!' all the warriors thought to themselves when they saw this.

As the dust settled around them and the visibility improved, they saw the two middle spiritual emperors of the Flame Valley standing behind these two huge palms.

"Humph!" Ricky snorted condescendingly as if he didn't care about the two huge palms rushing after him. To the spectators, they thought the huge palms were too strong to be resisted, but Ricky only scoffed at them with disdain, while his large palm ignored them and continued to suppress Fitch.

Boom! At that critical moment, two water spiritual fingers sprang up from Ricky's body and collided with the two gigantic palms separately.

It was more like a complete crushing than a collision.

When the two fingers collided with the two palms, the latter immediately collapsed. However, the fingers didn't dissolve afterward, and they went on to pierce through the two middle spiritual emperors.

When the power of the fingers ran through them, it instantly destroyed the souls of these two middle spiritual emperors.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. The two middle spiritual emperors died even before they realized what was happening.

the battle was not

fingers combined into one and merged into the space in an instant, and then Hutton's figure appeared behind this very space. However, at this moment, the only thing people could see

roar at all. He was

looked like they had just seen pigs flying and hell freezing over. The whole space was deathly quiet as if everyone

so quiet that they didn't even notice

were still in a shocked stupor even after Ricky had finished putting the dead

Hutton's spiritual space tools and found the Chaotic Sword Intent

Chaotic Sword Intent Herb! I finally got it!" Ricky said excitedly. "I've already exhausted the power of Doris' mutant. I'm glad I finally got

Moon Dragon Palace and the Star Tiger Palace take action now,

guts!" Ricky

the warriors of the two forces realized what had happened, they immediately backed off so

they could tell that the

of that, Hutton had died without any resistance. That was

would not go after them. They didn't have the time and energy

warriors who had seen what happened could only look at Ricky with awe, curiosity, and

also began to wonder about how powerful Ricky's master was.

finally understood that Ricky

the start. It was the

Intent Herb in his hand, he immediately left. As for

the use of their Transmission Array,

soon, Ricky's story had spread everywhere like

by the Wind-Mountain Alliance with open

to have a demi-saint behind you!" Edie exclaimed in surprise, as they met inside the Wind-Mountain Alliance's palace

have a master at the Demi-sage Level behind me. I

you are very honest!" replied Edie, giving Ricky a disarming

have no choice but to be frank with you. After all, it is you who have a demi-saint behind you." Ricky smiled. "I want to confirm that you will not help the Flame Valley to take the Chaotic Sword Intent Herb away from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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