Chapter 46

They both nodded, finally in agreement.

They removed the dress they had been working on and added it to the scrap pile.

“What are you doing with that?” I hurried to the discarded dress.

“It’s all wrong,” the talkative maid said. “The color’s too dark, and it’s not shapely enough. We can do


“Don’t throw it out.” I held the dress protectively to my chest.

They both looked at me. “Why not?”

“It’s beautiful, and you both worked so hard on it. Let me keep it. I don’t have to wear it to the First Ball, but I’d like to wear it at some point.”

They glanced at each other.

“It’s up to you, Miss Piper,” the talkative maid said. “Everything in here is a gift to you. If you would like to keep it, that’s your decision.”

I smiled, relieved. I really didn’t want such a beautiful gown to go to waste. I went to the closet and hung it inside.

hanging among the other beautiful

The scary guards are

Elva followed,

door while

do anything!” the maid called


the meaning of this? I

the one by the door, stepped forward. “Apologies, ma’am, but

not true, Miss Piper, I

didn’t do it, and I

words. “It’s not


her. You don’t have to take her


told me. “She’ll need to be

outrageous. You can’t take someone away without


palace grounds. These are palace

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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