The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 7

“What garbage are you spewing? You’re not needed here. Get out!” Josephine barked, as she was worried that Kai would disrupt the treatment.

“Fine. You’re the one that asked me to leave. I’ll be waiting in the corridor. In less than five minutes, you’ll be out there begging me to come back in.”

The moment he finished, Kai opened the door and went out.

After he left, no one bothered about him. Meanwhile, Jonathan carefully continued with William’s acupuncture treatment. Soon, he was entirely drenched in sweat.

After the last needle was inserted, William gradually regain his consciousness and opened his eyes.

“Dad! My dad is awake, Dr. Watson. He’s awake. This is wonderful!” Josephine cried out jubilantly as tears filled her eyes.

Just a moment ago, she was worried that he would never ever do so.

When Jonathan saw William was awake, he, too, heaved a sigh of relief. After all, he barely had any confidence going in.

Unfortunately, the moment Josephine and Jonathan sighed in relief, William began to tremble violently. He looked to be in excruciating pain as his face started turning purple.

“Dad! Dad!” Josephine yelled as she turned to Jonathan in panic. “Dr. Watson, why is this happening?”

At that moment, even Jonathan was feeling so distressed that he was just stumped. “I… I don’t know why this is happening either. How did it turn out this way?”

“Who are you asking? You’re the doctor here!” Josephine roared at the doctor in desperation.

At the same time, William’s shiver began to grow faint before he finally stopped moving. Even his breath could not be felt at all.

Watching the change in William, Jonathan felt his panic intensify. If anything happened to William, he would have to suffer the consequences.


Josephine began to cry.

the hospital. I have run out of ideas!” Jonathan

there so that he could shirk his responsibility. If William died in the hospital,

Given my dad’s condition, there’s no way he can make it to the hospital! You better save him! If not, don’t think you will survive this unscathed!” Josephine exploded, having lost her rational

Sullivans were the wealthiest family in Horington. To destroy a lowly doctor would take no more than a flick

was devoid of any ideas. Suddenly, he thought of Kai and quickly suggested, “Ms. Sullivan, the guy that just went out.

down upon him earlier, but was praising him now. Evidently, Jonathan was planning

Kai stepped in to treat William, even if he was dead, Jonathan would be

go of William, who slumped

was sitting along the corridor, expecting Josephine to come and see

woman saw Kai was still there, she rushed up to him. Just when she wanted to speak, she suddenly realized that she had

of you,” Josephine pleaded with an awkward

raised his head at her, Josephine averted her gaze, as she didn’t dare make eye contact. Not too long ago, she was berating

and that I’m not a con

answer. She didn’t fully trust him yet, but she

simply chuckled. He decided not to make things difficult for

Kai back in, she saw Jonathan pacing back and

whether Kai could revive William, he could push the blame to Kai once the latter

himself, Jonathan begged, “I’m sorry about just now, young man. Please save

potentially lose everything, Jonathan felt that being polite would

sighed. “Looks like I’ll have

“Do you still have


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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