The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 36

All right. I’ll have my men take good care of the trees. Also, with regards to the spiritual brush and cinnabar rosary, I’ll help you find them too. I happen to know Abbot Erasmus of Lagrange Monastery very well and will get him to help,” Walter offered.

“Thank you, Mr. Grange!” Kai nodded. “It’s getting late, so I’ll have to take my leave.”

After checking his watch, Kai realized it was almost noon and time for him to go home for lunch.

“Mr. Chance, if you don’t mind, why don’t you have lunch here? I’ll get someone to prepare it right away,” Walter nervously invited.

Considering Walter’s utmost admiration for Kai, he wanted to ingratiate himself at every available opportunity.

Looking at Walter, Kai nodded in agreement. “I hope I’m not imposing.”

“Not at all, not at all.”

Elated at Kai’s response, Walter ordered his servants to prepare the food immediately.

Meanwhile, at Horington Hospital, Leyton’s arm had been wrapped up in a sling while Sandy stayed by his side.

Once I’ve recovered, I’ll definitely kill him,” Leyton bellowed

his arm, threw his wedding into chaos, and turned the Scott family into

ordered Warrick to teach Kai a lesson by hiring professional fighters this time. He’ll definitely have Kai beaten to a pulp,” Sandy remarked while peeling

Sullivan family hadn’t gotten in the way, Kai would have

his teeth, he grabbed the orange Sandy

that moment, Sandy’s phone rang. After answering it, her expression drastically changed before she ended the


was Warrick. He said that they were beaten up by Kai. Not just that, but his arm was also broken!” Sandy frowned. “What in the world did Kai learn during his three years in prison? How did

F*ck it, looks like I

look before pulling her

embarrassment as they were inside the

the urge to vent his rage. Just when he was preparing to do so, he

what was wrong. Can my broken arm affect the

you’re too nervous?”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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