The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 111

“Are you saying that I’m not worthy of you?” Xavier questioned.

“What do you think?” Josephine retorted.

All of a sudden, he gave a self-derisive laugh. “Yes, I’m not worthy of you with my lowly status. But why would you rather date someone who had been to prison instead of giving me a chance? Am I even lowlier than an ex-convict?”

He abruptly became emotional, and his tone turned harsh.

Upon hearing that, Josephine frowned. “Whomever I date has nothing to do with you, and you don’t have the right to question me about that.”

“Do you know the kind of person Kai is? Not only is he an ex-convict, but he’s also a Lothario! Do you know that he already has a girlfriend? You’ve been duped!”

As Xavier spoke, he fished out his phone and showed her the photos of Kai with Hilda.

Josephine stared at the photos, her expression turning increasingly grim until her brows scrunched deeply.

her expression and immediately added fuel to the fire, saying, “This girl is known as Hilda Wallace, and she’s his girlfriend. They’re childhood sweethearts and are now colleagues at Sentiment Chemical Limited. It was even him who recommended her

said nothing, merely staring at the

genuine, Josephine. I’ll never dupe you. What’s so great about him? How is

continued pouring out his


had finished speaking, Josephine slapped him

gaped at her incredulously. He could not fathom why she struck

that I’ll accept you by doing so? You’re wrong. You’re so very wrong! I believe that he’ll never dupe me, and you don’t need to come to me with these photos either! You wanted to know how he’s better than you, didn’t you? Fine, I’ll enlighten you—you can’t even hold a candle to

said, Josephine shouldered her bag before she got to her feet

had turned bright red from the slap, a terrifyingly vicious glint entered his

to this!” he hissed through gritted teeth, enunciating every

the restaurant, her

the photos in the least,

be unfazed at the sight of her man acting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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