The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 130

Having noticed that Kai was unfazed by Rhino’s status, Yolanda surmised that he wasn’t an ordinary person.

“We work at the same office and are neighbors since our teenage years. Hence, I can tell you there’s nothing particularly special about him,” Hilda replied with a frown.

“Impossible! How can he not be afraid if he doesn’t have some strong backing?”

Yolanda was unconvinced. If Kai was someone ordinary, he would have already been frightened to death.

“He really doesn’t have any patron. In fact, Kai has just been released from prison.”

From Hilda’s perspective, Kai’s jail stint was probably what made him tough, which was why ordinary citizens have an inherent fear of ex-convicts.

“No wonder. I’m sure you must have gotten to know someone when you were in prison. Nonetheless, Rhino isn’t just an ordinary street thug. He’s actually a member of the Crimson Dragon Gang. That’s why I urge you to leave with Hilda right now,” Yolanda pleaded with Kai.

Dragon Gang?” Kai was intrigued. In fact, he was surprised at

with is so insignificant that they can’t protect you. Hence, you

for mercy

should be afraid of me. In fact, they

is not a joke. If you

as she spoke, Yolanda held Hilda’s hands. “Hilda, let’s go. He can stay and play hero as much as he wants.

the class reunion. But now, she had changed

Kai isn’t

leave, Hilda was dragged

of how powerful the Crimson Dragon Gang is. Everyone in Horington fears them. As for Kai, he is deluded about his own capabilities just because he spent a few years in

to let Hilda

herself, a group of men suddenly appeared. In

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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