The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 135

Unfortunately, she had no idea where Kai stood in their relationship.

“It’s getting late. What are you chatting about out here?”

At that moment, Kai approached them with a smiling face.


Upon his return, Hilda rushed up to him and scrutinized him for any injuries.

With Chloe and Gary saw her reaction, both of them broke into a smile.

Only Hannah sighed. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I can see both of them get married with my own eyes?”

When Kai heard the comment, he felt the urge to explain that he only saw Hilda as a sister. However, underneath everyone’s hopeful gazes, he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

find a cure for your eyes,” Kai reassured her instead of clarifying

about me, as I’m used to it. Both of you should focus on your jobs. Once you have saved up enough, you can buy a matrimonial

married yet, she felt bad that

matters. After all, I

those words, Kai still didn’t

We can drive together to work from tomorrow onward,”

all, their parents were getting ahead of themselves by discussing their marriage. Since they weren’t even in an official relationship yet,

outside just to get you this car. Although

saw a white Ford parked there. At first glance, one could tell right away that it

pretty good condition and only costs forty thousand. Hence, I bought it for you. That’s the best I can do…” Gary

words tugged at Kai’s heartstrings. “Dad, it’s a great car. Now that I can make a living, there’s

work hard, you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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