The Man’s Decree

The Man’s Decree Novel Chapter 137

“Oh, of course, I do! Naturally, it was our manager who managed to collect all the arrears,” Maria answered hastily as she abruptly jolted back to her senses.

I’ve naturally got to give the credit for such a windfall to Zayne. Who knows, he may be promoted to the position of manager of the acquisition department this time!

“In that case, Mr. Carlson is really capable!” Silas flashed them a smile before adding, “We’ll talk next time. I’ve got to go through the accounts with Mr. Carlson.”

He then entered Zayne’s office. Meanwhile, everyone in the sales department went into an uproar.

“Whoa! Who’s so competent to have collected all the arrears?”

“That’s simply incredible! Those arrears are all accumulated from a few years ago and were exceedingly difficult to collect!”

“Could it be Kai? Judging from his confident expression today, he seemed to have known that the arrears would definitely be repaid in full!”

“Nonsense! Could someone like him have collected all the arrears? Didn’t you hear that it was the respective companies themselves who voluntarily repaid their debts? It has nothing to do with him whatsoever!”

“Speaking of that, he’s really lucky! It looks like he won’t be sacked today, after all!”

the sales department gathered

Kai! We won’t be dismissed!” Hilda

very beginning that you didn’t have to

know that the arrears would all be paid today?” Hilda queried, regarding

smiled without telling

her to know everything right then, though he would be telling

were still whispering among themselves, Zayne walked out of his office with Silas, who was from the finance department. At the

look in Kai’s direction

his desk in the general manager’s office with

cut from the night before.

Knock, knock!

on the door, upon which Xavier

Mr. Jennings?” Zayne inquired deferentially as soon as he stepped in

fallen than he froze, for he had glimpsed faint marks that were obviously the aftermath

stare, Xavier frowned slightly. “Are you enjoying the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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