The Man’s Decree

The Mans Decree Chapter 490 Read Online

Chapter 490 You Can Open Your Eyes Now

Since George hit nothing but thin air, the momentum he had built up caused him to slam into a big tree.

Fortunately for George, not many saw the embarrassing outcome because of the fog.

Holding his injured arm, George finally figured out what was going on when he saw the seemingly ferocious tiger once again. “I get it now, Mr. Snyder. These tigers are just illusions; they’re not real! That’s why I couldn’t hit it.”

Then, the man hurriedly ordered the others, “Everyone, close your eyes and cover your ears. No matter what you hear, don’t open your eyes unless I tell you to.”

Even though Jayden did not know exactly how the illusions worked, he decided to issue the same command to his people.

Everyone in the group was confused by the seemingly ridiculous order but did as they were told anyway.

Jared opened his mouth and sucked the thick fog into his belly. Even the vicious-looking beasts could not escape the strong

it was. However, everyone around him still had their eyes shut and ears covered,

can open your eyes

the fog and the beasts had disappeared.

about Jared!” said Tessa proudly when everything was right as rain

came into contact with the beasts before I did, Ms. Snyder. I knew they

attack one of those beasts. What did that boy do?” Jayden quickly nodded

of our men went

our order and were scared off by the illusions. I’m afraid that

talking, the group heard the sound of two signal flares firing

from somewhere not too far off, Jayden immediately sent his people to find the missing

slapped the two men violently

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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