Josh, stop!

When the door opened again, Ryan and Rookie stepped into the room, and Ryan shut the door before focusing on Elijah. “Boss, you sent for me?” Ryan asked as he

approached Elijah at his desk, Rookie close behind him.

“I need you two on an assignment. Bryan Checks is you guys‘ target. Within one month… I need you guys to find out

everything that the two of you can about this guy,” Elijah explained in one breath.

Quietly, Ryan eyed Rookie, smiling faintly at such an obvious challenge to their

abilities. Then he looked back at Elijah and said, “We will need to move out of the

motel then, Rookie and I.”

A slight frown tugged on Rookie‘s lips as he eyed Ryan in confusion, not sure where he was going with this. “We will need to do a lot of Stakeouts and surveillance,” Ryan explained further, “and it would be good to start moving somewhere we can have

easy access day and night to this guy, Checks.”

“I can find out where he stays.” Rookie responded after just a moment, a small grin playing over his face.

“Great. We are gonna need a car, Binoculars, Voice recorder to make notes, paper pads and pens to make backup notes… We are going to need a lot.” “I will need a laptop and a couple of other things.”

Seeing his men getting all fired up, Elijah smirked faintly and said, “Make your budget and I will make the payment… All in all, I need you two to be a team and get me

what I need within one month. Got it?

Ryan nodded and grinned excitedly, “Yes sir!” Then he tapped Rookie on the back

and said, “Let‘s go get our shit together.”

The sound of the front door opening drew James and Matt‘s attention to the motel entrance, and they were confused to see a Madam Jewel, clothed in a thick, fluffy coat, and Josh, walking into the lobby.

“Hello, how may I help you?” James asked, a look of confusion crossing his features as he looked between the both of them.

But all Madam Jewel and Josh did was glared around the place with a look of disgust on their faces. As if they didn‘t want to even be there.

After several moments had passed, James started to feel uncomfortable, and he

asked, “Do you guys want to book rooms?”

through Matt at those words, and he stood up from his chair as he let out, “Hey, punk, you better watch your damn mouth or else.” “Or else

Matt‘s chest now.

out of you will land me

little face.” Matt sneered with a cocky smirk, which immediately made Madam Jewel‘s

of his mouth might land him in deeper than his head could

he still wasn‘t

and took a deep breath, thinking about not putting

did Grace get a bunch of barbarians like

the motel again in pure

had had enough of such rudeness from the two, he kept his calm and said, “Madam, I will plead with you and whoever this is to you, to please refrain

silence before Madami Jewel sneered and asked, “Where


you want her for?” James asked

left Josh‘s lips as he felt a sense of arrogance swell up inside of him, and yet, he said nothing

you must know, and I need to

Madam Jewel demanded

Peach‘s family history, the frown on James‘ face deepened into

her?!” Madam Jewel questioned loudly,

annoyance as he tried to ignore the

words, Madam Jewel knew James

putting her

as she possibly could. Her voice reverberated through the entire motel, and James stared in disbelief for a

lips as the silence continued, and Josh glared over at them before saying, “Can one of you go and get her!?” Walking into the lobby, Miss Grace‘s expression grew darker


Miss Grace asked harshly, causing Madam Jewel

back slightly from the tone of the voice. “Well, hello to you too, aunt,” Josh replied sarcastically as he watched as Miss Grace walked towards Madam Jewel. But she ignored his remark as she scowled at Madam Jewel when she asked, “Is that the

you will never be her, not in


hate and grief yet!” Madam

daughter and

over at Josh when he said, “How dare you talk to grandma like

nothing! From the moment she bullied my husband out of the family

turned me away without help when he fell ill,

or someone who desires my love and respect to me!” Miss Grace yelled, tears streaming down her cheeks at the

insult that he suffered at the hands of Madam Jewel and her children caused a deep ache to rise inside of Miss Grace, the pain growing stronger by the

two!” Ignoring Miss Grace‘s words, Madam Jewel rolled her

I want to speak with her, then I will leave.” “Get out!” Miss Grace screamed, clutching her

“What are you doing here?” Peach‘s soft voice asked from behind them, causing both James and Matt to turn their heads. When Josh turned slowly to see Peach approaching them in the lobby, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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