The door to Elijah‘s room opened, and Ryan stopped a distance away from the doorway, after shutting it, staring at Elijah, wearing a white shirt, dark brown pants, and monk strap dress shoes.

“Bryan‘s driver is here to pick you up.” Ryan‘s voice came out hoarse. “Thanks. I am almost done here” Elijah let out, turning back around towards his desk and picking up his watch.

A brief silence settled over them for a moment as Elijah fastened his watch on his wrist before Ryan spoke up again. “Thanks, boss,”

“For what?” Elijah looked up from his watch, meeting Ryan‘s eyes.

A spark of gratitude flashed across Ryan‘s face when he answered. “For standing up for me,”

“Ryan, If a man wants people around him that are willing to fight for him, he should also prove to them that he‘s ready to fight for their life in return,” Elijah uttered as he picked up his keys. “You can‘t get loyalty from others by not showing them you are loyal towards them.” To hear his boss‘s humble words made Matt want to hug him or something, but he had to restrain himself and just give an understanding nod. After shoving his phone into his pocket, Elijah walked over to Ryan and tapped him on his shoulder, and Ryan turned around to see Elijah looking down at him with a small smile on his face.

Then he gave Elijah a slight grin before his boss walked past him, heading out the room, but Ryan was right on his tail. When Elijah reached Peach‘s door, he stopped in his steps, gazing at the wooden frame for a moment, and raised his knuckles to knock, but he froze halfway through and lowered his hand.

“Not even her mother could get her to open the door a moment ago,” Ryan whispered, sighing softly. “Maybe we should give her time and space to cool off?”

“Yeah. I think so too...” Elijah muttered, nodding slightly as he stepped back and turned away from the door.

When they got into the lobby, Matt was already ready to leave with Elijah, but as they approached the door, Elijah turned looked at Ryan, and said, “Let‘s go,” Me?” Ryan asked surprised because Elijah didn‘t make any mention of him coming along until now.

“I will need a lawyer by my side for this one,”

“Sure thing,”

For a second, he gave a glance over at James and Rookie before following Elijah and Matt out the motel door.

opening the back door for Elijah with a bow as he passed

the backseat, and once everything was set, the driver turned on the engine and drove

Elijah began seeing the beach side, waves splashing on the

painted in a soft light

walked toward it and opened the door, causing Matt to tense up

you.” One of the

Ryan joined them, and then they were escorted inside by the two men, Matt paying close attention to every movement of their surroundings, making sure he stayed one step ahead

as Elijah approached him, extending his right hand when they got closer. “Mr. Checks, it‘s good to see you in good health,” Elijah uttered, accepting his hand and

despite the serious tone. “I could

at Matt, and then at Ryan before looking back at

confusion settled on Elijah‘s face, just the same as Matt and Ryan appeared as they stared at Bryan

hire an exceptional law firm wouldn‘t know who Ryan Katz is... Also, I‘m not too blind to what goes on in Bordoria, business–wise and socially... ” Bryan paused as is trying to find the

he continued, “Seeing that such a talented lawyer is by your side, I guess we are going in–depth about serious

large room with an oval table in the middle of it

three took their seat, and Bryan intentionally left the head of the table empty, signaling Elijah to sit there. As soon as both men were seated, Bryan gazed his way and said, “Straight to the

intention business wise?”

of silence between them as Elijah tapped his hand on the table, contemplating how to plirse what he wanted to say, and

Bryan listed


expanding and high profits to be expected if managed

grew silent, and only the sound of Elijah tapping his fingers

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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