Chapter 122

He has my daughters The mere sight of the exquisite suite had Madam Jewel speechlessbecause she didn't expect Elijah to live in such a decent place.

You said that I should call, but did not answer my calls…” Madam Jewel stated, relivingthe anger and frustration she felt having to immediately chase after Elijah in her car when he didn't pick up at her first ring.

'It was a test to see how desperate you are...

and I can safely say now that you are desperate.' Elijah thought as he glared at her, knowing that hehad to exist in the same space as this woman for his wife's sake.

“Drop your bag on the table,” Elijah commanded, grabbing her attention off his place and onto him.

Even though she hated every second of being obedient to Elijah, she slowly took her bag from her shoulder, set it down on the small tablenext to the sofa, and sat down.

Your coat, take it off, Elijah ordered, his eyes never wavering from hers, knowing that she was a tricky woman.

His tone was commanding, and it felt like a needle stabbing Madam Jewel’s skin with his every wordbecause never in her life did she think that she would be bending in obedience to a man young enough to be her grandson, especially one that she believed was a no-good lowlife.

Yet, she slowly removed her hands from her pockets, took off her jacket, and placed it next to the chair asking, “What is this.” “Walk with me.” Elijah cut heroff with cold eyes.

Not caring about the harsh stare she gave him, Elijah turned on his heels and walked off to the next room, taking a seatin the kitchen.

A moment later, Madam Jewel entered after him and frowned as she sat down, the sudden silence and Elijah’s deadpan expression making fear settleinside her.

“I want my wife back, Jewel…

I have heard what you and Jacob Hartford want from me…” Elijah started and then paused when henoticed the nervous look on Madam Jewel's face.

“Melina didn't know who was behind Peach's kidnapping, so how did you…” She blurted out, gettinga hold of her tongue when she realized she had spoken too much.

A snarl appeared on Elijah's face as he clenched his jaw together, disgusted that a grandmother could be so horrible as to deliver her granddaughterinto mafia hands.

I am not going to free Elmer from prison, and I am not paying a dime.

Now, this is my proposal…

I want my wife back before tomorrow's end or else...

black trash bags to your house every day.” Elijah calmly said,

to know if his threat of getting rid of

was laughing, she knew that he might be serious, and yet shelet out anxiously, Don't threa-Hey...! Elijah shouted, his voice booming, silencing her immediately, and then he lowered it, Look here, meet my eyes... Her doubt of just how insane he could get was immediately clear, seeing that the quiet husband Melina once had by her side was not the Elijah in front

messed with, and

seen me pissed off, Jewel?” Elijah questioned in a cold tone of

by amad man called her husband...' Madam Jewel thought, shaking her head slowly to answer

“How many times have I beenmarried, Jewel?” “Two times,You have hit menopause, haven't you?” Embarrass, annoyed, and confused by Elijah's question, Madam Jewel sat

wife, I am repaying you and every single soul in

his eyes were glowing, the way he looked at her with

making sense? Elijah asked, snapping her out

yes,” she mumbled.


over my wife, A slight frown appeared on Madam Jewel's face as a thought finally woke her from the fear she felt for Elijah, and she blurted out, “How can I be sure that you have my granddaughters, daughters, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter-in law?! Knowing that this hotel was secure with his men and

to her face, looking down at the photo that was

of the pictures, and then she lashed out in anger,” You monster!!” “I was not the want who murder her husband becausehe found out something he shouldn't have!! Elijah

Jewel that day at the hospital or if there was

heavy and suffocating for her as she asked, “What did you say just now?” Her

him to know who

to tell him ifMadam Jewel was

say? Was it Peach that told you such nonsense!!! Huh!!

watched her, not uttering a word as she continued to scream,She's a liar!! No

that will be your home forthe rest

and then Madam Jewel finally sighed, taking one last look at the photo on Elijah's screen and then said, My phone is in

I get-” “Don’t

bring it to you. Elijah stated

that she was a free hostage, and she had walkedherself

Elijah reached her, he reached for his phone and slowly took it out of her grip, making herfrown as she stared after him,

a loudspeaker.” Slowly, Madam Jewel picked up

through her contacts for some seconds, she stopped at Jacob’s number and dialed

voice that Elijah detested in his bones echoed through the


for a few moments before Jacob

then added with a sigh, It's hard for me to explain, but you need to return her now and be careful with how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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