Crucify them When Elijah's eyes opened to the morning light, Peach was still snuggled against him like acontented kitten, her legs tangled against his.

“Hey,” Elijah said quietly, gently nudging her awake.

I have to leave early. Immediately, he felt her frown against his chest and then she woke up and raised her head, “What time is it?” “Tenforty. Elijah answered, smiling at the way that Peach's eyes suddenly widened.

It's almost noon! “You look so comfortable, and I didn't want to wake you.” A slight chuckle escaped his lips whenshe rushed off him, left the bed, and asked, re we leaving for the company? “Dice will drop you there.

I have to go somewhere first, and then I will meet you there.” There was a brief silence between them as she studied his eyes,and then she smiled and mumbled, Okay...

I should get ready then. As she was about to head for the bathroom, Elijah reached off the bed, grabbed her hand, and pulled her back towardshim, “I got something for you. Even though she had a guess, she doubted slightly that it was it, and she tilted her head to one side, curiously, watching as he opened the nightstand drawer and then took out her wedding ring.

Slowly, a frown grew on her face as she looked up to him, mumbling, “You did go after Jacob.” “I never said that I wasn’t going to,” Elijah said ashe slid the ring on her finger before meeting her eyes.

“I know you hated what I did, but I detested the thought of him having something that is rightfully yours and means a lot tome. Stroking her fingers over the ring, Peach smiled up at him and whispered, Thank you, hon. For a long time, she studied her husband's face, wondering how the heck he went against Jacob and came back without a scratch, and since he was the one unharmed, she blurted out her thoughts, “What happened to Jacob? “Jacob is at the hospital.

He sustained two broken ribs and a concussion that has him in an induced coma.” Madam Jewel announced at thedinner table with rage laced in her every word.

Her sons and grandsons glared at her like she was the devil that they didn’t want to see or speak to.

“Melina and the others are not home yet and you are worried about your ex lover?!” Dean lashed out, his handson the table clenched tightly.

Dean, Mathew warned him softly, “Be calm and keep your voice down.” “Oh, I am calm, alright! No one gives a fuckabout if Jacob is dying or whatever shit is happening to him...

You promised that that bastard Elijah was going to release our daughters and wives yesterday! Todayis a new day, so where the hell are they?!Dean, come on! That's our mother- “I want my daughter and my wife safe and sound.

I don't care if Jacob...” Frowning at her son, Madam Jewel cut him off, saying, “Elijah and his thugs found Jacob lastnight at a club, and Elijah beat him into his current situation...“ Suddenly, Tyson stood up, grabbed the glass of water, and threw it on the wall, smashing the glass into pieces, and immediately, silence reigned over the dining room.

“Tyson!” Madam Jewel called out to her grandson.

hope to gain from all ofthis?! Tyson yelled angrily, “Maybe it's time I meet this dickhead face to face. Watching her grandson storm off, Madam Jewel stood up and

to stop Tyson’s determined footsteps and soon she hearda faint slam of the

Elijah stared out

car door open and stepped out, asking, “Where are they?” “This way, boss.” Scorpio saidcalmly before leading

calmly stared at Patricia's eyes, remembering how big of a mouth she had that day at the hospital and how arrogant she acted, and now thefear

word to any of them, he walked over to Amelia, reached for her hair, took out a scissor, and cut a fewstrings, causing


putting the scissors into herhair

buzzing, and he fished it

am becoming restless now,

you unharmed, so why are you not keeping yourend of the bargain? Madam Jewel sounded like she was trying to control herself,

since you were the reason she got kidnapped! Secondly,my wife spent a day with that ass, and I am just balancing the scales.” Elijah stated, watching

long pause before Madam Jewel replied, her tone a lot

are they going

for them since my wife

my wife like that again, I will not hold

you understand that, Jewel.” Elijah said calmly before ending the call

commanding, “Wait three hours from now, and then releasethem.” At full speed, Tyson drove his car into Investico Co.'s parking lot and then hit the brake, causing the car to screech

when he saw five SUVs driving toward the company, and he froze inhis place, wondering, “What kind of influential person is visiting these two

a man stepped

the fuc- Peach!” Tyson muttered quietly as his cousin got down from the car,

watched her walk towards the building, and then he finallysnapped out of his trance, shouting, Peach! Hey! Peach! Hearing her name, she stopped suddenly

laugh escaped his lips as

wife of a hooligan

your sick husband to free Melina, Martha, and every other woman in our family andlet them come home.”What are you talking about, Tyson? Peach asked, looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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