
When Elijah raised his gaze, he was immediately alarmed to see Dean in the lobby, going into a protective mood as he slightly pulled Peach behind him, but then he noticed on his right his men and on the left more of them, keeping their eyes on Dean.

Noticing the sudden casual look on Elijah‘s face made Dean enraged to the core, and he tried to turn to rush for Elijah, but the security guards grabbed him by the arms, pulling him towards the front door.

“Elijah, you bastard!” Dean growled, trying to fight the security‘s hold.

A few people immediately turned to him when they heard him shouting, and a woman muttered, “Isn‘t that Dean Hayes?... That‘s him! Wow, what an embarrassing situation that must be.”

“These days, it seems like the Hayes names are trending, but in a negative light. Elmer is in prison... I heard a rumor that Iris and Josh are now divorced and her father pulled out his investment in Josh‘s company, and now, Dean has been embarrassed in the public eye. What is wrong with that family?” The other lady commented

Even though Peach and Elijah saw and heard Dean‘s screams, they took their sweet time leaving the hotel lobby only to meet him outside looking confused at the men in black that suddenly crowded the parking lot.

Looking down at his wife, Elijah gave a small smile and said, “Get into the car.”

There was a brief pause as she hesitated, and then Peach nodded before walking off, leaving Elijah staring coldly at Dean.

Calmly, he walked over to his ex–father–in–law, asking in a deadpan tone,” What is it, Dean?”

“Where the hell is my daughter, Elijah?!” Dean demanded, his voice shaking slightly. “What happen?! You said”

“Oh, right. I didn‘t release her with the others... Umm, because I was still salty back then about her lying to my face that she was carrying my child just to emotionally torture my wife and aid in her kidnapping!! But then I forgot that I even had her.” Elijah replied with a shrug, sounding bored out of his mind.

“You forgot?! Elijah... You–”

“Watch what you say before I become even saltier and keep her for two weeks. and not release her like I plan to do now.”

Silence fell between both men as Dean‘s expression immediately softened, even though he was enraged inside, he held it together because Elijah had him wrapped around his finger.

Taking out his phone from his pocket, he strolled through his contact, stopping at Jerome‘s number and pressing the dial button.

After waiting for a moment or two, Jerome answered the call, “Hello, boss. I am still waiting for your command.”

“Release her, J,” Elijah said, ignoring Dean‘s glare. “Let her go,”

tends to get cocky with his elders will soon learn the consequences of underestimating the ones that are willing to sell their souls and end a life to get what they want.‘ Dean thought, his fingers twitching with fury. “The table will turn back in place one day, boy, and I will make you regret

his pockets, Elijah turned away and left

getting into the backseat with Peach, she couldn‘t help to stare worriedly at Elijah and ask, “Is

he met her eyes with a smile and said,

of the ride was silent in a comforting way with Peach‘s fingers locked in Elijah‘s and her head resting against Elijah‘s

her way towards the door, opening it and


to go there, knowing the reputation the Hayes made for him still haunted him till this day. “And yes I have the money to pay for

estate agent‘s face as she opened the

dryly, “You are not the first to

read the website, right? ... Before coming here. This place has

said calmly with a stiff smile, knowing that she was beating around

ahead and I will catch

her hand and led her along the

softly asked in

breakfast in



whispered, “It sounds like a perfect dream. But the best part of it is that I will never wake up from it, and I get to experience it

against hers once again and said, “Me too,

give up or stop loving you.‘ Peach thought, kissing him once again. The way her eyes lit up made Elijah smile before continuing with, “Now where do we start

the master bedroom,” Peach responded with a soft giggle.

room... Hmm... I see someone is ready for

it that. You

every step as Elijah continued teasing her and eventually got her to run up the stairs with him, both of them laughing

be completely vulnerable and playful with her. But when they finally realized that they had visited every inch of the house, she felt a dull ache in her

clicked to her mind, and her eyes widened as she blurted out, “Where is Florida?”

should check back on her,” Elijah suggested,

came back to the downstairs living room, Florida was standing there, greeting

his voice calm, a frown appearing on his face. “This

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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