This is amazing

Silently, Ryan darted his gaze towards Elijah, then at Peach before dragging it to Miss Grace. taking it off her a second later to meet Rookie and watch Matt‘s face.

“Can someone check on James before he burns more than our breakfast?” Ryan finally let it out, his lips twitching into a chuckle.

“Come on, Ryan.” Miss Grace said, struggling to keep a straight face.

Suddenly, Matt cracked up, and everyone joined him, causing the sound of chuckles to echo in the dining room.

Walking through the doorway with a tray, James looked confused at the sight of them laughing, and once they noticed his presence, they all stopped abruptly, looking apologetic and almost guilty. “What‘s so funny?” James asked, setting the tray down next to Ryan and pulling over a chair for himself.

“Nothing,” Elijah said, trying to cover his smile with a cough. “We just thought about some old memories.”

Frowning, James raised an eyebrow and mumbled, “You guys are making fun of me for burning the eggs.”

“Nooo… No! Of course not, James.” Peach mumbled, waving her hands around wildly, and yet her face was red from holding back her laugh.

“Like husband, like wife… both terrible liars. And here I was excited to finally cook for you two.”

“I miss your cooking. No one makes a mean omelet as good as yours.” A faint smile crossed James‘ face at her words and he proudly said, “The secret ingredient is love.”

“That is so cheesy,” Ryan chuckled. Throwing him a hard stare, James frowned and let out, “No one ask you, Ryaaaan.”

“I miss this,” Peach whispered beneath her breath. “I miss when papa‘s presence was with us in the motel…” But Elijah heard her and so did Miss Grace, and both of them rested their palms on the back of her hands at the same time, causing her to smile warmly.

At three o‘clock, The car was ready for Elijah and the others to leave, and as Peach stood outside with her mother and James, she smiled brightly at Elijah with moist eyes.

“Hurry up and come back to me, okay?” Peach sniffed as the wind blew against her cheeks. “I promise,” Elijah leaned forward and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, smiling softly. “I‘ll be back soon.”

Silently, she beamed at him as he withdrew from her, watching him walk towards the car with Ryan, Rookie, and Matt.

mumbled. “I know, mama.” Peach whispered, wiping away the tears with each sniff. “I know he will.” Shutting


five, and Elijah stepped out, Ryan, Matt, and Rookie meeting him at the car

Elijah walked over to the front passenger door, staring at Dice, and he said,” Anyone threatened my wife or my mother

boss!” Dice said with a half–smirk. With that assurance, Elijah turned away from the car and walked off with Ryan,

they got into the airport terminal, the announcement

and Rookie, and Rookie‘s eyes never left his phone screen as he monitored Dr. William‘s daughter–in–law‘s social media. “We

sleep started to overtake him, and he could feel his mind going into

City. The plane will be landing in approximately fifteen minutes. Please buckle your

Ryan, Rookie, and Matt walking after him. “We have landed. I know you might be sleeping and won‘t see this until later on, but if you are reading it now, you need to go to sleep, and stop worrying.” Elijah absentmindedly wrote, halting in his

to look at him,

us a

coming.” Shoving his phone into his jeans back pocket, he sighed and then walked over to the cab, getting into it before Rookie joined him in the back with Matt, Ryan eyeing them from the front

phone. The ride was quiet, and even though the driver

moment later, they arrived at the front desk, where a woman sat behind the desk, greeting them happily. “I made a reservation online for a suite,” Rookie said before she could greet them. Since he was the tech guy, he was the one in charge of

Daz.” He calmly

Ryan, and Matt, the receptionist hesitated for a second before facing her computer screen and

opened, and Elijah walked inside before Matt, Ryan, and Rookie

“I am not worrying… but I have forgotten how

leaves at Eight, making the doctor the only one at home with the house help and security…” Rookie explained, drawing Elijah‘s attention away from his phone. “So we are free

get some sleep.” Elijah announced, dropping his phone

crossed Dr. Jacob Williams‘s face as he watched his son and his

pop!” Dan chirped, running toward

Dr. Williams picked him up and held him close to him, kissing his soft forehead and cooing,

grinning ear to ear.

“Love you, pop pop!”

moment like this always relieved the burden of the truth that had hunted him and he couldn‘t escape, and as always, he dreaded the thought of his family leaving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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