The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

The Marvelous Elijah’s Return By Rever Chapter 150

Elijah Maxwell The hospital was so quiet at midnight as Cora walked down the hallway, and the closer she got to Elijah’s room, she could hear her heart pounding loudly in her ears, seeing all the men standing in line, guarding the room.

‘Mother didn’t tell me that this place was going to be swamped with his bodyguards… I feel like I am about to assassinate a president or something.’ Cora mumbled in her head, adjusting the mask on her face to make sure no one recognized her. When she got to the door, she hesitated, wondering if any of them were going to stop her. But when no one said a word, she pushed the door open, walking calmly into the room, suppressing the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach.

After she shut the door behind her, she turned to see Elijah lying on his back, his face away from her, directed at the right wall, and the pillows that his head wasn’t resting on, blocking his face from her view.

Knowing time was not on her side, she walked over to the bedside, focusing only on his hand with the intent to get it done quickly so she could be out before the side effect of the drugs kicked into his body once she injected him. ‘What’s a waste of money, hiring all these fools just to die in such a simple way.’ Cora laughed in her head, resting a kit down, and taking an injection out of it. ‘Damn… Why is it so quiet?’ Quickly, she rubbed cotton on his hand, picking a random vein on the back of his hand, and slowly, she inserted the needle into his skin. But before she could sink it deep, her heart jumped in her chest when he suddenly woke up, grabbing her hand. Immediately, she went into the state of “flight or fight,” and she fought, trying to push it into his vein hastily, but he was faster in yanking it out of his skin.

Desperate to finish what she had started, Cora rushed for another injection from the kit, blocking out his voice and not paying attention to his face but his torso.

Not wanting to give up, she jumped him, rushed into the bed, and she and he got into a struggle over the new syringe, wrestling on the sheets until he managed to grab her wrist and flip her over his legs, straddling her waist, and before she could stab his neck with the needle, using her free hand, he held her other wrist, twisting it toward her and puncturing the syringe into her neck, breathing heavily as she stared down wide-eyed at him.

“You are not Elijah,” Cora whispered, finally meeting his eyes as he let go of her hand. “Who are you? What have you done?” Even though Elijah and the guys over her had a lot of similarities, when he got off her and Cora took a hard look at him, she could see that he was definitely not Elijah.

Slowly, she yanked the syringe out of her neck, seeing that it was empty, and she immediately scrambled off the bed, moving back slowly, “No, no, no… What did you do?”

The guy took out a walkie-talkie and spoke into it, saying, “Chief, we have one suspect. A female… I haven’t seen her face yet because she’s wearing a mask. But she tried to stab me with a syringe.”

“Okay… We are moving in.” Mr. Bamford’s voice came over the talkie. “I’m heading in now.” It took only a minute for the door to bash open, and Mr. Bamford rushed in with a couple of officers with him, and Cora saw his gun pointed at her head as he screamed, “Freeze!”

tried to say, but it felt as if every

is crowded with policemen, so I will advise you to take off the mask and tell me exactly who you are and what you are doing here because the last time I checked with Dr. Wilson, Mr. Darius should not be getting any IVs or injections at this hour.” Mr. Bamford spoke

a patient in that room that’s in desperate need of this shot and I have to give it now. Can’t be wasting valuable time here when a man’s life might be at stake because of my clumsiness,” Cora lied through her teeth, taking a

take another step and remove the mask

took a shaky breath, before raising her hands and pulling

idiot! What have you done to me?’ Cora scolded herself internally, trying to figure out what to do next. Looking over to the fellow standing in the right corner, Mr. Bamford said, “Roldan, get doctor Wilson down here. I need him to test what’s in

it. Since you are being investigated for suspicious activity, we are going to detain you until we can figure out what you wanted to

got hurt, can’t we let this slide for the right price? You can and your men can go home pocket full and I can sleep soundly in my bed tonight and not some filthy cell.” Cora cockily said, knowing that she needed medical attention, but afraid to let

the drug kicking in, and after searching for a while, her eyes rested on a tiny red light going off and on. ‘Mother, I swear, if you don’t make Elijah and Peach pay for the headache they are

really wild, and

her breathing became shallow as she fought against his hold, struggling to breathe while he tried to

NOW!” Mr. Bamford screamed

Peach stood at the window, watching the moon with her phone clutched in her grip. A soft

to murder the doppelganger we put in the

emotions awakened, Peach closed her eyes, trying to calm herself, her hands fisting tightly against her nightgown as she thought about how she would have been grieving her husband by now if she had overlooked

of Amphetamines. Which is illegal… A High dose like that can cause irregular heartbeat, loss of coordination, and collapse, and if injected, it can create a sudden increase in blood pressure that can result in very high fever, or heart failure and death. Which is what Cora wanted to happen to Elijah. She had four of them to inject him with.” Mr. Bamford explained further,

kill him,” She finally whispered, closing her eyes as she let the tears escape from her eyelids, and fall onto her cheeks. “Cora got

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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