The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

The Marvelous Elijah’s Return By Rever Chapter 153

I am not going to run When the sound of her room door cracking open echoed in her ear, Miss Grace jumped from her sleep and looked over at her daughter, standing in the doorway. “Peach, honey... It‘s five am... What‘s the matter?” Miss Grace asked, sitting up in bed, her voice still raspy with sleep. Pouting, Peach shut the door, walked over to her mother, and climbed into her bed, hugging her.

“I am nervous, mama... Not even the internet knows how much he‘s worth.... It was easier when he was just an ordinary man, but now...” Peach trailed off as she held onto her mom. 1

Smiling softly, Grace stroked her daughter‘s hair, and after a while, she whispered, “Honey, wliy did you fall in love with Elijah?”

“The first time I met him, he was grumpy, but his eyes told me a different story... I could tell he was hurt... Maybe there was something about his wounded soul that made me curious, and then he slowly unraveled his personality...” Peach whispered.

Then she raised her head to stare at her mother, mumbling, “How he treated his friends, how he cared for those around him... He seemed so genuine when we were together... Underneath all his brokenness, anger, and frustration, I saw someone worth loving, worth being patient withi, caring for, respecting... Someone who deserves happiness. I wanted to make him that person. But, why I love him is something I can‘t put into words... I just felt like he was the one.”

“Do you feel any different now that he‘s a third–generation multi–billionaire?” Miss Grace inquired, smiling.

When Peach shook her head, she kissed her daughter‘s forehead, whispering, “Love is pretty scary when it is true. You are with your husband for who he is, and not what he is, and that kind of feeling is what love really is... For better or worse, sickness or health, in riches or poverty... You have loved him when he was nobody, now you get to stand by him with your chin high as a proud wife and love him as you have always done.”

His back resting against the wall, staring at his son, Mr. Maxwell sighed, saying, “You were right, but not hundred percent.”

“About what?” Elijah asked, wondering while Peach sneaked out of the room an hour ago.

“Not only Matt, but all four of your men report back to me, after all, I made them take an oath to have me updated about your every step...” “others have weirdos as stalkers. Mine is my dad. Joy.”

“Your wife gets so much praise in all of their reports... and just one day with you guys and I do see why. She‘s precious. Your mother will be proud.” “That‘s why I want us to do this.”

The sound of the door opening made both men turn to see Peach entering the room, and when their gaze rested on her, she gave a weak smile. “I will excuse myself.” Mr. Maxwell said before leaving and closing the door behind himself.

Looking at her husband, Peach‘s feet felt frozen to the ground until Elijah said softly, “Come


Slowly, she took steps closer to him, and when she reached the bed, Elijah pulled her onto the mattress next to liim, liissing slightly in pain.

this, not being able to lold or treat you like I used to because of my bruises,” Elijah

and then she rested her

at the corners of Elijah‘s lips as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his torso as he ignored the pain, kissing hier temple, and murmuring in response,” After my bruise heals,


that very much.” Peach answered, turning hier head to face him,

television reflected in Josh‘s eyes as he watclied Senator Butcher deliver, if I could go back in time to the second Josh Hayes approached me, I would liave done things differently, like remember that Elmer Hayes is behind bars because of Elijah Darius... I mean, Elijah Maxwell

that he knows who that bastard is.” Tosh muttered,

ignore those things and acted from my heart because Jessica Astor was a

What a load

frustration that boiled inside Josh was evident as he slammed the

am never too big of a man to do so. And I also understand that the Hayes, well, Josh Hayes is not a man to be trusted, and in the future, I want nothing to do with such scum,” Josh scolded at the television as he watched the serious look on Mr. Butcher‘s face

took another swig from the bottle, draining it. “My Secretary is already reaching out to Elijah to schedule

that the only reason you are doing this is that Elijah Darius is now Elijalı Maxwell. What do you want to say to those people?” The reporter hastily asked. “Of course, he‘s only fucking doing it because of that!! Josh screamed, grabbed the

down on the table, but his laugh was cut short lowever wheu he heard luis office door open and his secretary, Lakor entered, closing the door

pot adivorce? Well, the Senator‘s speech has only been

himself up to a sitting position, gripping. the armrests

is going to crash within less than a month... it‘s not only the investors, but we have super pissed clients on the

“I see.”

stand up abruptly, aggressively shoved all of

mumbled in his head, taking a

to go running her mouth to that bastard and

be stepping

started buzzing like crazy, and Josli snatched it off his

over to Larker, shutting the door, and then he blurted

now!” Madam Jewel‘s voice boomed through the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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