The Medallion

Chapter 248 The Surgical Operation

A crowd of soldiers and spirit manipulators gathered by the side and were shocked when they heard what Rocky had said. Disbelief was written on their faces, and they exchanged looks, as if saying that Rocky had overestimated his skills.

"Did I hear that right? Rocky claimed that he could treat and cure Commander Marin's spirit-manipulated beast? He has to be lying! Everyone can see that it is hurt beyond any help. Even Sheridan has said that it is incurable, and he knows what he is talking about because he has seen and healed so many cases of severely injured spirit-manipulated beasts. Then, who does Rocky think he is, to say that he can do what Sheridan says is impossible? He is simply showing off to feel big!"

"I agree with you. I bet he wants to ingratiate himself with Commander Marin. And he is doing that because he is desperate that she recalls him to the spirit manipulator squad from the beast farm.

"If he can cure it, then so can I."

All of a sudden, everyone started protesting and the atmosphere at the training ground quickly turned tumultuous. It became crystal clear that no one present, believed an iota of what Rocky had claimed he could do - that he could treat and cure Verdanim.

Marin, who had always relied on Sheridan to make her war-damaged spirit manipulated creatures healthy, and ready to go to another battle, was no exception. She too, like the others present, had misgivings about Rocky's claim.

"You don't believe me, do you?" Rocky asked Marin. He didn't care about what people thought of him or what he said, but he respected Marin, and wanted to know what she really thought.

"Rocky, can you really help Marin, to make Verdanim well? I hope this is not a false claim." Sheridan, who had been silent all this while, asked, as he was surprised at what Rocky had said. Although he knew that Rocky came up with novel ideas from time to time, not knowing how truthful or skilled Rocky was, he was genuinely intrigued and wanted to know how he planned to cure Verdanim, for, in his eyes, that was a formidable task.

"Yes, but what I have in mind is untested and can be dangerous. Yet I think, I should try my approach. It is possible that it might endanger Verdanim's life even more. However, in my opinion, that is the only option we have at this point," Rocky said in a serious tone. His way was to operate on Verdanim, and that came with risks. Also, till then, Rocky had performed surgeries only on small spirit-manipulated beasts, not on any gigantic creature, like Verdanim was. This being his first, it would surely be a high-risk procedure.

"How can I trust you? Even Sheridan said that he could not help Verdanim, as his condition is beyond help," Marin said sceptically.

"Well, it is up to you to trust me or not. Obviously, it is your call," Rocky spoke calmly. It seemed that he did not care whether or not Marin believed that he could treat Verdanim and restore his health.

knew what to do to make Verdanim regain his health and strength. Finally, she

language. Sheridan found that Rocky's demeanor spoke of confidence, and did not communicate any

say, let him try, he might succeed where I cannot," sighing, Sheridan said to Marin.

Sheridan had said that she could trust him. But she would never forgive him if

and make Verdanim well?" Rocky asked, smiling, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

hesitating, briefly. If Rocky could do what he had claimed he could, she would do anything for him. Moreover, she knew that he would never make unreasonable requests. After all, she was the military camp's commander

charge and told some of the people who were with Marin to get some soldiers to carry Verdanim to the beast farm. Further, saying, "I'll be back soon," Rocky turned around and left to

great artery had caused. Rocky knew that if the pressure in the abdominal cavity were to increase any

But as it was a gigantic creature, Rocky understood that he would not be able to take Verdanim into

operation, from the lab. Once there, he gathered them quickly, put

by the time Rocky reached the beast farm. There he saw that many people, including Marin, had formed

large crowd, Rocky shouted from afar, "Sheridan, ask them to leave the stable,"

dare you shout at me and order me," Sheridan objected to Rocky's tone of voice.

me to make Verdanim better for Marin?" Rocky asked

be. Having known Marin since she was a child, Sheridan's heart

Look, they have

one person standing there." Rocky pointed at Marin, who was

think it is possible for her to leave?" Sheridan rolled his eyes at Rocky in exasperation, sure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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