Chapter 183 Their job Is So Challenging

Instead of meeting Leon and Aaron at the restaurant, Luca checked his phone app. Upon seeing that the bar was hiring temporary singers, he took a cab there.

His current desire was to drink, so he needed to earn money first and then exchange it for alcohol. Once he got drunk, he wouldn’t have to think about anything anymore. That way, he wouldn’t feel as heartbroken.

Luca went to the bar while Simone and Keira went to the seaside lighthouse to take photos. They spent a significant amount of money and tried out all the entertainment activities around the lighthouse.

After Aaron and Leon finished work and had dinner at the restaurant, they also went to take some pictures. Observing how happy Simone and the others were, the two of them stood nearby and watched. Both of them disliked Zac, who–always stayed close to Simone.

Does this guy have to be so attentive? He has no shame.

Leon was annoyed and wanted to smoke, so he made an excuse to go to the restroom, and Aaron followed him. In the designated smoking room, they each lit a cigarette.

With a gloomy face, Leon said, “Jodie is really something. She played us all like puppets.” If it weren’t for today’s events, he wouldn’t have known that she could be so ruthless.

Aaron sighed. “Yeah.” Today’s events completely exceeded his expectations. The image of his innocent and obedient younger sister in his mind was completely shattered. Then, he suddenly remembered something, “Hey, where’s my brother? I didn’t see him.”

Leon also realized that Luca hadn’t looked for them at all, and Aaron called him. Luca happened to have finished singing a few songs and was taking a break. When he saw hist younger brother’s call, he answered it and informed him which bar he was at.

After hanging up the phone, Aaron asked Leon, “Do you want to have a drink? I want to drink now; I’m annoyed!” Not only was he annoyed that his younger sister had such a deceitful personality, but he was also annoyed that his real sister hated them even more.

Leon was extremely irritated as well. “Alright!”

the bar. This time, the cameraman followed

said, “You guys go sing a few songs first, earn some money, and then

their resentment towards Zac grew even stronger because that guy was

During the day, they didn’t dare to use the money they earned from working in

about the livestream, sitting and

said, “Luca, your voice hasn’t

don’t care anymore. I just want to

he could see through their foster sister. It was better to

drinking were

three top streamers are in

deserve it; their judgment is poor, and they can’t see

together; the three of

true intentions. It’s so uncomfortable that I want to drink,

  1. 100.

brothers and one Sc*mbag. They



was going crazy. The previous public relations efforts

things so challenging

normal after he had enough. At the moment, he

and greeted Salma, who was at home, and

when she watched the videos trending online. For the first time, she felt great resentment towards her foster daughter. Why

daughter, and she was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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