The More The Merrier

The More The Merrier Novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33 Hacking The Surveillance Cameras


Arissa was shocked at his sudden appearance. She smiled at him and asked, “Why aren’t you asleep yet?”

“I can’t sleep, Mommy! Can I be with you for a while?”

As Gavin glanced at the screen, he saw Arissa searching for his home address.

He froze for a moment before asking her, “Mommy, why are you looking for Benjamin’s home address?”

She ruffled his hair and replied, “Something came up, and Mommy has to do some investigating for a bit.”

“What’s wrong?” Gavin looked at her.

Arissa did not know how to explain it to her son.

“I’ll tell you once I get to the bottom of this, okay?”

She caressed his tiny face.

“Okay. I won’t disturb you now.”

Gavin sat next to her while she busied herself with her computer. Mommy smells really nice.

was with her, she smiled and allowed him

Within a few minutes, she was able to tap into Benjamin’s home

extremely impressed to see


point in the house, especially the

in the house would

dining area was empty. Therefore, Arissa quickly scrolled backward

warning notification popped up on her screen.

it. Had I been a second too late, my location would’ve been exposed! Benjamin’s too cunning.

had actually hacked into Benjamin’s computer last night. Hence, Benjamin was

the hacker’s IP address when it disappeared abruptly in

they infiltrate my house? What is their

to investigate this housing district, including those who frequent or stay in this

“Got it!”

quickly tapped

investigation, all surveillance footage with

into Benjamin’s house surveillance cameras? What are you

slightly excited when he noticed Arissa becoming emotional at the sight of Jasper’s appearance

trying to look for

her chin on Gavin’s back, slowly

nervous feelings dissipated

just about your age in Benjamin’s home. I

voice quivered as he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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