Most areas turned hot and dry in late autumn, so it was fairly easy to have natural fires here and there.

Charis was sitting in her car when several fire engines sped past their vehicle. The driver informed her that there was a massive fire over at Forest Park.

Charis eyes suddenly lit up as something clicked in her head. She remembered the unexpected fire that had broken out when Brandon and Janet were still living in their apartment in Seacisco last year.

She wasn’t there at the time, but she had heard from the employees in the company that it was quite an incident.

“I heard from the news that the fire is still spreading rapidly,” the driver said, shaking his head in regret. “It’s the most terrible kind, I tell you. The one that burns its victims beyond recognition.”

Now, wouldn’t that be the most ideal way to dispose of a body?

Charis stared at the fire engines disappearing in the distance, an idea slowly brewing in the back of her mind.

It wasn’t that difficult to carry out an arson, not really. Moreover, this type of crime had an incredulous success rate in wiping out entire villages, and clues to the cause of the fire were often buried in the ashes. The key was to find a good opportunity to strike.


Halloween was just around the corner. Barnes was a very open city that welcomed foreign students and workers from all over the world. Although Halloween wasn’t part of the locale’s tradition, people still liked dressing up and going around in costume to have some fun. The festive atmosphere was already taking over the streets as party goers came out of their houses in colorful and interesting outfits. Janet found the sight rather amusing, and she was in high spirits all the way home.

As hot as it was in the day, the evenings were relatively chilly. For so many years, she had lived alone and had gone through the changing seasons by herself. But things had changed. Now, she had Brandon waiting for her at home.

As hot as it was in the day, the evenings were relatively chilly. For so many years, she had lived alone and had gone through the changing seasons by herself. But things had changed. Now, she had Brandon waiting for her at home.

enough, he was there as soon as she stepped

well, and hadn’t even taken off his suit jacket

cold demeanor, Janet strode over and

turning a faint color of red. “What is

nothing this entire time. Why don’t we go to the amusement park and try their haunted house? You’ll go

smile, her

and averted his eyes. “What a childish notion. Only kids go to the amusement

in the contract. So please, Brandon, won’t you be

right. But I’m only doing it this

acted like he was being forced to

however, he was looking forward to going out

had found that he had never felt bored around her. As long as they were together, he was willing to go along with


ask Brandon out for a little get-together on Halloween. After all, she was alone in Barnes, without any relatives

wes e little diseppointed when she showed up et his ville end found out thet Brendon wes going to the heunted house

e moment to compose herself. When she finelly celmed down, her thoughts begen to

chence she wes weiting

en enclosed spece with e lebyrinthine setup end e generelly weird etmosphere. The steff would definitely be putting on heevy meke-up end weer costumes, completely conceeling their identities. Whet’s more, the heunted house wes derk end noisy. It wes the perfect setting for

only problem wes thet Brendon wes elso going to be there. He wes bound to get hurt in the fire es well. First, Cheris needed to figure out e wey to seperete

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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