Instead of going to the crowded places, she sat down in a remote corner.

After sitting down, Paige took out her mobile phone, found out screenshots of those flirting words that Sophia had sent to Ethan, as well as the surveillance video she had taken from Wolf Group, and then she send them to the group chat.

She knew the phone numbers of more than half of the noblewomen and young ladies in the hall. It would be very interesting later.

Sophia and Isabella came together and chatted with those noble ladies. The happy atmosphere made both of them elated.

"Is the life of a wealthy man just so-so in the upper class?"

They believe they would soon blend into the upper class. They were thinking complacently when they suddenly found that several ladies have changed their faces after seeing their mobile phones.

The ladies left immediately with disdain.

Before Sophia and Isabella could react, they found that the people talking beside them had left one after another.

Only in two minutes, the group of people gathered together had almost left.

All cast a strange look at Sophia with indescribable contempt and disgust when they left. Isabella sensitively realized that something was wrong

"What's going on?"

She thought to herself when Madam Dawson, Elizabeth had also realized that something was amiss, "Please sit here for a while. I’ll be back soon."

But she did not come back. Sophia and Isabella sat where they were, as if sitting on pins and needles.

"Mom, what on earth happened? Everyone was very welcome to us just now."

"Yeah, I'm also wondering about it." Isabella was also puzzled.

"Why don't we wait for Madam Dawson and ask her what's going on?"

They waited, but Elizabeth would never return. She went to a noble lady she was familiar with when feeling that something was wrong.

The lady showed Elizabeth the videos and screenshots with a look of disdain.

Elizabeth's face turned pale when she saw such sexual explicitness of the flirting words and the blockbuster-like car sex video.

The lady asked Elizabeth with contempt, "Madam Dawson, how did you get to know these two people? Aren't you afraid that your good reputation will be tainted by such shameless people?"

Elizabeth's face turned as red as a pork liver.

She ignored the sarcasm of the words and hurried to her nephew, Ethan.

Ethan was talking to a few bosses when he saw his aunt Elizabeth coming to him in a hurry with a sullen face. He sensitively realized that something was wrong.

He immediately walked over and asked, "What happened?"

"What you did with Sophia is all over the world now!"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you know what you have done in the parking lot? Now more than half the people in the room know. What a disgrace!" Elizabeth gnashed her teeth.

"How is that possible? Could there be a misunderstanding?"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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