Chapter 108 – DNA Test


Sinclair and I stay up late into the night talking, reveling in this new discovery. I’d believed our dream date would give us closure, but it turns out it wasn’t the end at all – it was the beginning.

“It’s no wonder you’ve been feeling so off-kilter.” Sinclair consoles, trailing his fingers up and down my naked back.

When he’d started stripping me, I thought we were going to make love again – something I was only too eager to experience outside of my dreams. Unfortunately he’d informed me that his wolf wouldn’t be able to resist marking me for real, so we’d better wait until we know it’s safe. Of course as soon as he mentioned claiming me, the little voice in my head had gone wild with excitement.

I’d attempted to change his mind, showing off my curves and plying him with kisses. However when my hand snuck down to close around his hard length, he’d put a quick stop to my tricks, seizing the offending limbs and pinning me in place. I’d whined and growled, but he only growled back, giving my bottom a few hard swats. Now I’m sprawled across his chest, chastised and sulking, and he clearly thinks he can make me feel better by sympathizing – the tyrant. “It’s not just the pregnancy or the stress. You’ve finally found your own kind, and your inner wolf has been coming out more and more.”

I sniff, preparing to argue, but then his words sink in. My inner wolf… the little voice in my head… she’s the one that’s been urging me to behave so oddly lately. I can never recall her being so vocal before, or so unreasonable. I always assumed it was my conscience, but in hindsight… are consciences usually so defiant? Do they usually have personalities of their own, and feel separate and part of you at the same time?

Suddenly I remember how that same inner voice had cried out her joy at being free when I shifted in the dream. Conscience? I think hesitantly. Are… are you my wolf?

Well duh. She responds dryly. It certainly took you long enough to figure it out.

Why didn’t you tell me! I exclaim in reply, exasperated.

I thought you knew! You’re always talking to me! She counters hotly.

knowing look on his face. “Wolves can be very contrary at

I share softly, my eyes

your inner animal, that’s

is all real, then why

hate to say it, Ella.” Sinclair begins gravely. “But I think it’s likely that someone did this to you… that they bound your wolf so she couldn’t

do you mean?” I

child exists and something happens to their parents, then the pup will be placed with a relative or a shifter family willing to foster them. Our children are incredibly important to us, and it would be neglect of the worst kind to knowingly let them be raised among humans. The only time it happens is when the parents didn’t have any connections in the shifter world, usually they’re rogues or outside their own territory. Every case I’ve ever heard of a dormant wolf begins with a child being found by humans at the sight of an accident, or wandering unattended in the wilderness or a strange city.”

is going. “So maybe my parents were from a different

– which shouldn’t have been allowed, but it’s part of why I never entertained the idea that you might be a wolf. I thought if you were dormant it would have shown years ago, and that no shifters would ever give their

wasn’t the institution’s policy to share details like this with children. Still, I don’t know any orphan who hasn’t concocted a fantasy that their parents would come for them one day. No one wants to believe they were just abandoned… unwanted. “Why didn’t you tell

tear. “But now that we know the truth… it suggests that something much bigger is going on here, Ella. I think your parents must have been trying to hide you

feel about this idea. Is it worse to just be abandoned, or for people who are supposed to love you most, to intentionally

need his comfort. “We get a DNA test, to


me. The nearest one, Sinclair, looks as if he’s trying to glower the physician into the ground, and I suspect he’s feeling particularly protective after watching the man withdraw my blood. Apparently his wolf can’t stand seeing me bleed, even if it’s just for a test. I lean into his side, not sure whether it’s to

The doctor

my hair. “Then why didn’t I know, why can’t I shift?”

a particular family line, traits, whether you’re an alpha or omega, but unless someone else in your family has given samples, we won’t know who you are or how this happened. That’s probably something you’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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