Chapter 136- Ella’s dilemma


I gaze around at the icy mountains, squinting up at the sky. The sun is high overhead, only halfway through its daily journey from East to West. That means it’s about noon… three hours from when I found the passage, according to the bedroom clock. The Prince’s deadline isn’t until dusk, which means there’s still time to get word to Sincalir, assuming I can figure out how to get back to the city.

Suddenly I’m kicking myself for leaving my go-bag behind. My coat wasn’t there because it had been stained and damaged, but I had other clothes inside, things I could layer onto my body to try and provide myself some warmth. I might move faster without the weight, but lightness won’t help me if I drop dead from hypothermia.

Just keep your blood moving. My wolf advises, as long as your heart is pumping it will keep you warm.

Not if I’m sweating. I counter, the liquid will just freeze and kill me faster.

Then stay active, but not so active that you’re sweating. You don’t want to stress the baby anyway. She advises,

Alright. I agree. How far do you think the valley is?

so we must be on the wrong slope of the

over it? I ask in horror, looking up at the snow covered peak. There’s no way I can make that sort of climb without gear, and it would certainly take more time than

give up on the idea of reaching Sinclair before he can come after us… we need him to come after us. All we can do

encountering any more danger than he already has, but beggars can’t be choosers, and right now I’m certainly a beggar. So do I stay put and walk in circles, or try to descend? I wonder. I don’t want to stay

on in my head. It’s a risk, but the tunnel had been warmer at least, surely I’d have a better chance if… My thoughts

at the safe house. I try and try to open it again, looking around for anything that might trigger the internal mechanism and finding nothing. In the end I’m throwing my body

then we’ll really be screwed. Knowing she’s right, I jump back onto my feet. The

warmer than the shaded forest, it’s also lower

suggestion. If you wake me fully we’ll be able to handle the elements. Wolves are

I argue immediately clutching my belly. Not unless we have

do. She remarks sorrowfully, but this is life and death. If you don’t make

in that forest… in fact, I bet there

approves. We keep moving and we look

give a word of comfort to my growing pup. “It’s okay, angel. Daddy’s going to come for us, and until then I’m going to keep you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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